I'm at MacDill as well...I had a big HP car and decided that I was beyond being concerned with HP I can never use and decided a Prius would be a good move. I bought used, but just today we put a deposit on an 08 for my wife. I get some crap from guys at work, but it seems most are legitimately interested in the technology, the fuel savings, etc. Also, isn't a Saturn Vue kind of a chick car???
I'm retired Air Force and the first Prius I saw (back in 2004) was being driven by a Colonel who was also an F-15 fighter pilot/Group Commander. I had always been intrigued by a car that got 50MPGs but when I saw this smart guy driving one, I started to really want one. Finally my wife authorized the purchase of two of them. Mine will be "Fighter-Pilot-Black" and hers is "Chick-Car-Green". Yak
Yes he is Correct it is a chick.."sheek "car And we know chicks are SMARTER, savvy and sexier... than most of the ..um other sex
Have your hubby take a look at a Prius with custom wheels/fog lights and see what he thinks... (Click the image for a larger view)