This is the first time for me to post on this website but I couldn't help but share my enthusiasm when I found out about this new product that was introduced at the Mac expo last week. I haven't seen anyone mention it yet on this forum. Check out this link: Apparently it's not available until the second quarter but it's only $25 and looks like a great solution for steering wheel control of the Ipod - at least until the IPOD2CAR people get it right. Anyways, it's not ideal like a direct connection in to the aux but it looks like a great temp solution. Chris
AWESOME! I have been dying for a solution like this since getting my ipod for Cristmas last year. If this really works, it may be about the best $25 I ever spent! Peace out
Note that this is only for people with 3rd or 4th gen iPods (look at the connector to the iPod). Unfortunately, I have a second gen iPod. *sigh* I was very excited until I looked at the picture more closely.
In this case, the headphone output may be ideal, since the Griffin press release mentions being able to control the volume level to prevent clipping. If the adapter was connected to the LINE-OUT feed from the dock connector, there'd be no adjusting the volume to the capability of their playback head.
Anyone able to demo this yet? I sold my 3G 15 GB, but I just ordered a 6 GB iPod mini, which has the same connector.