What the hell??????????????????????/ I think I am losing my mind.....first I dump the truck for the Prius. I actually have been turning OFF the car A/C over the last week. (something I have never done) and today I caught myself listening to public radio...........as a lifelong Rebublican and never really a "green" person quite a shock to me. Me thinks I better go and see a doctor, what's next..... It is all happening so fast.......................need to go a lie down....
I suggest you pick up a pair of Birkenstocks then report directly to your nearest Whole Foods Market and purchase a bag of fair trade coffee. Oh, and don't forget to Vote Hope in November!
Sorry, but you're hooked. There's no cure, and no going back either. Life as you knew it has ceased to exist:yield:. Resistance is futile!
correct me if i am wrong but i thought the prius used the battery to run the AC and not gas? In other words it does not waste as much gas as traditional cars? If i am correct that means use the AC more ;0) As for AM radio, i really like A Prairie Home Companion. good stuff. I do not care for inaccurate feel good propaganda though. Keep it based on facts and less emotion.
You're doomed! Hope you didn't get the JBL system to listen to AM broadcasts! When you start to make flower planters out of your old tires, then you've really gone over the edge.
The AC compressor is electrically driven (and the motor is sealed inside, by the way, for reliability), so the energy to run it ultimately comes from the gasoline. Because it only runs when needed and at the optimum speed, unlike a belt-driven compressor, it is inherently more efficient than conventional AC. But more importantly, the main drive battery system draws its cooling air from the cabin, through that vent to the right of the rear seat. If the cabin gets too hot the battery system will throttle itself to keep from overheating, and that reduces fuel economy. So you can actually reduce MPGs by *not* running the AC. Rule of thumb: if you're too hot then the battery probably is too hot also.
The first thing I noticed when I bought my Prius is that listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio decreases your mileage by about 10 mpg. I'm also wearing hemp clothing and eating tofu, but that's another story. Rotorhead
What's next for you Tdoff1, is that you'll fill up your gas tank again and again, and every time you'll be wondering why you ever thought that paying at least twice as much to fuel your vehicle was a good idea, even when gas was "cheap." Then you'll start considering crazy ideas like walking to places that are nearby, or riding a bike as a primary mode of transportation for anything under 5-10 miles. You'll know you're doomed when you put a pair of panniers on your bike to go grocery shopping!
My radio refuses to select Rush ("I'm sorry, I can't do that."), however it still allows some country music stations.
....update, feel better, rested, but have a strange urge to get a pair of Birkenstocks and wear a hemp necklace. Gas mileage continues to get better...maybe mental perspective is influencing my mileage as well. My daughter is thrilled and begged me to drive her to school today so her friends could see her "nature friendly" car. (she is 8) Updates to follow..................:car:
Listening to NPR will never hurt. It covers a wide variety of topics, political and otherwise. At least you have a chance of being exposed to some real journalism. You might find factual information refreshing.
I am finding that the Prius is a good litmus test for seeing who is truly conservative. True conservatives recognize that buying a Prius is a sound fiscal decision over the long term for not only its fuel economy but also reliability and resale value. They also recognize that we must stop importing so much oil from places like the middle east. Really classical conservatives also recognize that the Prius infringes less on the property rights of others by having such low emissions. The people who just bash the Prius because it comes from a Japanese automaker and instead drive an American-made V8, 4-door, extended-bed pick-up truck are not conservative. They are the epitome of gluttony, excess, and hardheadedness. Tim
Congrats Tim, you have finally come out of the Neo-Conservative fog to the real world, now you can see what real conservativism is all about.
You know, I think it's all good. Life is a journey. I try to live moment to moment and not tomorrow to tomorrow. I also try not to tell others how they should think – or vote. There are times I can’t help myself and I do not pretend to hold the cornerstone on truth, but to get back to the original post… Society says, “God forbid a ‘republican’ move to the left†– or vise versa, or a Deadhead who also likes Michael Jackson, for that matter. It would be wonderful if all of us could become who we are without feeling like something’s wrong with us. It’s fantastic that Todd1, in my subjective opinion, is so open to ‘becoming’. It’s obviously a move in the right direction, most of ‘us’ think, (including me) as evidenced by the replies. Still, there seems to be so much dogma and divisiveness when it comes to right and wrong. It’s my belief that the more welcoming and nonjudgmental ‘we’ are, the easier it will be for others to feel good about going green, if you will. Judgment breeds resistance, something I’ve witnessed in this forum more than once. Just a thought. PS. I hope the Redskins have a great season this yearJ