I had heard about a 400 dollar price increase that was going to go into effect this week, so I made sure to put down my deposit last week. Today I get a call from a sales manager who tells me that the 400 dollar price increase applies to me as well. Has anyone else had this happen? If we all agreed upon a price and I offered them a deposit as consideration, how can they just alter the terms of our agreement like that? Thoughts? (No, I'd rather not sue them to enforce this contract).
It isn't much of a contract. You can walk away if you wish, but they are betting you won't. If you do, they will sell it to the next person on their list. Tom
I noticed that the MSRPs on toyota.com rose a bit within the past week, so I guess theprice increase is real.
the dealer i am working with while buying my new car said i locked in my price and the increase would not change it. it sounds like you have the typical dealer who does not give a rat's butt about you and know he/she/IT can make money on the next person in line if you do not want it. very typical from what i hear about dealers and "hot" cars that sell themselves. now a SUV? they would never do that and ruin the deal right now.
we had the same problem, the dealer quoted us a price out the door and when I e-mailed him the next day he added the mfr's hike and his own. So we went to another dealer through the web and he gave us a $300.00 discount off the new MRSP plus no other increases from his dealership. But, they also said that they do not need a deposit and that their word is solid. I guess we will find out if thats true when they call us we a car. Azdaisey .
Watch the Toyota website. The price increase is there. I spoke to a salesman at my local Toyota dealer today. He said there are still Priuses to be ordered--arrival by September. Contrary to some reports here about being sold out. This guy has 45000 miles on his Prius--drives 70 miles a day to work. No problems. He also says the Goodyear Integrity OE tires are just fine in all types of weather. Good OE tire which gets excellent gas mileage. My Goodyear dealer also said the same, and recommended keeping the tires vs trading up to a Comfort Tread-- a longer wearing tire. Goodyear will not put a wider 15" tire on the Prius--it isn't speced.
I believe that the price increase is real, that's not my issue. I'm an attorney, so I know that were I to pursue this, we have the elements of a contract: offer, acceptance, and consideration. Plus, I, in good faith, relied on the agreement from last week, and this week I am being told they essentially want to renegotiate the terms of the contract. (If I buy a milkshake and am told the price, now that I've started to sip, they can't raise the milkshake price by $400). I just wonder whether others are confronting it and whether people are just "taking" it or are trying to come up with an alternative solution/compromise with the dealer?
I just left my dealer and he has a used 08 on the lot for $30,000! My dealer tried to do the same thing, but he promissed me he would honor the price he quoted me...we will see.
its just like everyone else said. its poor business ethics and they kinda have you by the balls. if you want it buy it, if not walk away and someone else will buy it. me personally i dont stand for stuff like that and feel that proper ethics and someones word says something about integrity. my friend is a dealer here, and i closely work with him. he said he can get a brand new prius in 3-4 weeks by placing an order. im sure that he can save you money if someone at your dealership is trying to do you dirty.
I put my deposit down yesterday. The dealer said they would not charge the increased MSRP, they wrote up the deal, we all signed and I guess we'll see what happens now. If they jack up the price in the end I'll walk. They can sell it to someone else. I have enough patience for now.
Are you a lawyer or a law student?? You don't hear "consideration" thrown around too much There are a few reasons as to why they can raise the price. Unless you signed something agreeing to that price, there was no contract. Statute of Frauds - contracts for the sale of goods for over $500 must be in writing. So the easy answer is, if you don't have anything in writing yet, there is no contract. I'm also surprised your dealer didn't tell you that although you were putting a deposit down, you were still going to be charged the $400. The dealers I called told me about it, and said because we wouldn't take delivery until June, it would apply to us.
Yep. Same thing with me, but I didn't put down a deposit. I'm working through my credit union's car buying service. My agent is handling all that stuff. I told him I wanted a pkg 5 and gave him 4 colors to work with. He called me today to tell me my Seaside Blue should be in around June 10. He said it's marked as sold already for me. But he did tell me about the $400 increase. To be honest, the only thing that was a surprise about that is that it's only $400. Toyota could make it a lot worse than that and people would still be clamoring for them. They're selling them all before they hit the lots, they can't make enought to meet the demand any time soon and the demand is only going to increase as the price of gas goes up.
We also used a car buyer through a large credit union, which does a great deal of business in the area where our dealer is located. But we also put down a $500 deposit, and two days ago we got the VIN on the car, which still is on the high seas somewhere. But between the deposit, the VIN and the car buyer, we feel fairl safe that we'll have the car for the stated price. If not, I have no problem walking, cancelling the deposit and going to a nearby dealer. I hate car negotiations, but there ain't none of that with a Priu anyway. You order what you want and wait it out.
Kpod- Yep. I'm a lawyer (I don't practice in Contracts though, so it's been years). It was in writing-- e-mail. The dealership confirmed it. The salesperson was not too pleased either-- he agreed that we had a meeting of the minds, and yadda yadda yadda. Poor guy will be losing his commission thanks to his manager. The hilarious part was that the manager actually said to me that they have to charge everyone the same price because he has, and I quote, "ethics." He then tried to sweeten the deal by suggesting that he would "bump" someone else to get me my Prius earlier. (So much for those ethics, huh?) In any event, I found a different dealership that cut me a break on the increase (not the whole thing, I still had to pay a little bit more, but not the whole crazy amount.) So, in sum, the Virginia state attorney general will be hearing from me about this. I realize this is like a tiny version of a deathmatch many people would like to see-- lawyer versus car dealer-- for whom do you root? But honestly, this is just a trap. And to call someone on Tuesday, who made a deal with you the week before, after a long weekend when I could have been shopping around-- is just plain crappy.
Some dealer charge the 400 increase some not, the reason maybe some prius they get from Toyota are "old price" some are "new price". If evey prius a dealer get is the new price, they wont take 400 loss. People are in waiting list (deposit or not), if the car has new price, they going to ask for the 400 increase. It sound bad to us but i think it make sense. Prius is just so hot right now. I wont buy one if i am shopping now, paying MSRP or more and waiting 2-3 months is too much to me. I rather drive whatever i have and wait till this winter.