But, it was a whole month. And they weren't my teddy bears - the boys are old enough to stay on their own now.
I don't have a photo but I brought 4 36 by 64 inch replacement windows home in mine with the hatch latched.
No pictures I am afraid, however... 16 8 foot 2"x4"s. That was all we needed, I am pretty sure 24 would have been easy and 32 at a stretch. That did require the folding back of the front seat. 1 person could have sat behind the driver and over half of the hatch back was still available. (yes, the hatch was closed).
Most folks have seen it already, but I've got a whole webpage up about the loads I've put in mine because it's been so much fun. Oh, and of course the camping one too. . [F8L, you were all set for one helluva pulse there, huh?] . _H*
I wasn't going to light em all at once. I was trying to beat Tony's best tank so I figure if I fired a couple off at a time I could get like 50 pulses and subsequent glides using zero fuel! Hyo, you're killing me my friend!
-Two bikes and camping gear for a week in Jackson Hole, no problem. -Three adult skiers with skis (inside), no problem. -Double date, no problem. -Annual trip to Costco, no problem. -Pickup 5 rowdy teenagers at school, no way (thank God!) -Works great for 95%+ of my needs
Probably five or six 8-foot radiators plus...I only had to bring two and remembered to take the picture after I unloaded one already:
Hobbit - hope you're still looking at this site since it's such an old post. I looked at your webpage and I am inspired. I have to pick up a new (standard 24") dishwasher in its carton today. Do you think I can load it in the Prius (convenient), or do I need to drive home first and trade my wife for her Odyssey (inconvenient)?
First of all, I want to thank F8L for his post. As a fellow pyromaniac and I am highly impressed. Glad he was not rear-ended...would have been really bad press for Prius. :flame: If you replace the 17-ft Grumman canoe with a good roof top box, you can rival a mini-van for hauling boogie boards and stuff to vacation. But subtract 10 from MPG.
So the other day, I was able to bring a full set of kitchen countertops that all fit in my Prius in one trip. The longest piece was 10ft long by 2.25ft wide (back seats folded down and piece between the front two seats), and two other pieces were 6ft by 2.25ft wide. And I still had plenty more room to go. I could have brought double that no problem! Tomorrow I'm planning to bring a full sized dishwasher in it. Amazing cargo space!
I started a thread similar to this a year ago. For those who are interested in what I have hauled, take a gander here. Who needs a truck, the Prius will haul it all! | PriusChat Last thing carried "Logs from down the street where a large tree limb had fallen off of a big oak tree". Brought the logs home and split them up for the meat smoker.