I have had my Prius for just over a month now and have made 3 expressway trips in excess of 2 hours one way and finally this weekend I passed 50MPG in expressway driving!!, I am so excited, and even after the long road trip was over the rest of the weekend the MPG stayed over 50MPG. I took a small road trip Saturday, about 130 miles one way, all expressway driving doing about 58-64 mph and I got 53.5MPG on that trip. On the way home I got 52.5MPG. I couldn't believe it!!. My expressway trips before only averaged 44-45MPG. The rest of my weekend, the around town driving the readout still read 52.5MPG. This car is just so coooool
Congratulations fresmtt glad to see that Irish holiday had a lasting impression on you. I've seen your other posts. Amazing the way gas prices are going to change America
Did you feel comfortable in the 58-64 mph speed range? I've always been a little under or at the local speed limit in the past because it is more relaxing. I'm not "driven" whereas my wife craves the excitement (something I've had to live with for 31 years!!!!) But now, hanging out well behind the semi-trailers at a comfortable 65 mph, I can enjoy the trip, the sights and satellite radio, and conversation with passengers. I arrive without feeling "bushed." Bob Wilson
congratulations on the great gas mileage and its so cool to have people be so happy about their prius experiences. i just get so uplifted when i come to this website. thanks to the guys who maintain it because it is a highlight of my day..........
YES,, I actually felt quite comfortable at that range,, I was surprised at myself.. usually I am going 70-75 so to drop to that speed was easier than I realized. I'm thinking about a bumper sticker now,, "I CAN drive 55" That rock song keeps coming into my head, and I can't remember who sings it,, " I can't drive 55"... who was that???