Its been 4 months and 6000 miles since I bought my Prius. Totally uneventful driving at or below the speed limit. No flooring the throttle and cutting in just to teach the other guys a thing or two about correct driving. No giving the finger, rather receiving it abundantly. No rushing in traffic, rather happy to arrive 5 - 10 minutes late. No leather seats, no heated seats, no sunroof, slightly cramped interior, slightly uncomfortable seats. I thought that on turning 40, I would be driving a Corvette or a Porshe, yet here I am driving a geeky slow-poke. Avid Nascar fan, yet I drive this car that could probably not even qualify as a pace car (Just kidding). Considering all these things, can someone tell me why I'm so happy? Maybe I'm insane, but I'm happy as a pig in shit. Dan
Because it's cool, because you're saving gas money, and because in your heart you know it's right. Pigs actually like mud, not sh!t.
my brother in law just proudly sent us a photo of he and his wife in front of their new huge dodge ram truck at the dealership. (they must think they got a deal with that 2.99 capped gasoline for 3 years). i wrote him back and said......thats some truck...whats the gas mileage on that sucker. and then proceeded to tell him all about our prius...mgp, keylees, bluetooth, backup camera, folddown back seats, roomy interior etc. he wrote back in one line. i wanted the truck and dont care about the gas mileage..... i guess he really likes handing as much money as possible over to exxon. oh well.......incidentily, he is a civil servant collecting gs-15 pay and his wife is a public relations manager for a beauty school in huntsville alabama. they bring down a huge combined income and dont have any kids at home anymore. so they can afford it, but then, so can WE. but i dont WANT to pay it. i look at it this way, compared to his 12 mpg truck at todays prices, we are paying 1 dollar a gallon. wait til we start on gas rationing and see if hes bragging then that he doesnt care.
What is interesting about people who "can afford" to pay whatever the price is for gas.. sure they can and it's their choice. But.... aren't they making the price of gas higher for all of us by using far more than they should? The could be using so much less. Just a thought. I'm sorry, but when I see people driving huge vehicles for pleasure and not needed for work.. I think it says a lot about them. It screams "I only care about me and the rest of the world be damned!"....
oh and drajukma... sorry.. You're happy because this is a very cool car with great technology and it's amazing to see a normal car company come out with a normal car that regularly gets 50mpg.. and PEOPLE CAN'T BUY ENOUGH OF THEM!
Hi Dan, Congratulations on your PriusJ Why do you love it so much? It sounds to me that you’ve reduced the amount of stress in your life by changing driving patterns. “Totally uneventful driving at or below the speed limit. No flooring the throttle and cutting in just to teach the other guys a thing or two about correct driving. No giving the finger, rather receiving it abundantly. No rushing in traffic, rather happy to arrive 5 - 10 minutes late” is (I’m guessing) probably a change for you. My V-6 Accord would downshift at 90mph and I hit 115mph more than a couple of times. Stupid – and stressful - one might say, and it was. That’s all over with my Prius. Now I ride in the slow lane (with the flow of traffic) with the intension of getting the best mileage possible. This is cool because it forces me to pay attention to what I'm doing, and this is the essence of presence or mindfulness, if you will. The addition of mindfulness in combination with the reduction of stress pushes folks in the direction of ‘happiness’ (again, if you will). Whether we realize it or not, a Prius encourages us to drive with intension and intension = mindfulness. And even if/when we’re on auto-pilot when driving, we tend let go of aggressive driving, a real source of stress for many. Most Prius owners LOVE their cars. There are many obvious reasons (including high gas prices), but there may be more to the picture than meets the eye… Enjoy, Tom
Hmmm, I have this theory that there would be much less Road Rage if more cars had the fuel info screen in them. I think you're happy b/c your brain is winning out over the testoserone that usually courses thru driver's (men and women I think) when you see how GREAT you're doing w/ MPG. And, you can't help being happy when you're laughing at the other drivers passing you, getting their 12 mpg, can you? :madgrin:
What a fool... surprising he got up to a GS-15 with rationale like that.... I'm sitting here watching that stupid T.V. commercial now as I am reading your post,,,
Because the car is space-age and cool! What's not to like about about a car you walk up to with smart key in pocket, open the door, hop in, press the brake, push the button, pop the joystick in D, and go First time test driving, seeing the display far in front, thought I was in a virtual reality simulator. Cool car. Don't need one, but I'd hit it.