Round trip Texas-Virginia Beach-Texas

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by seesfar, May 26, 2008.

  1. seesfar

    seesfar New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
    east texas
    2008 Prius
    I just returned from round trip from Tyler Tx to Virginia Beach and back.
    Total Miles 2866.9 with cc set @ speed limit + Average FE 50.6mpg. Route began on I20 to Jackson Ms. approx 340 miles, then on to Ga on I20 Merging onto I95 to Virginia then SH58 into Norfolk approx 997 miles then 5 days driving around Norfolk-Virginia Beach area. This first leg averaged 51.3mpg. Return trip on I64 acroos mts. to I81 With overnight in Knoxville Tn, some where in there merged with I40 Then on to Little Rock Ar. for another overnight Then I30 to Mt. Pleasant Tx turned onto SH271 back to I20 and Home. The mountains hit mileage down to the 50.6. I'm going to stop before this gets long.
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    I am especially interested in legs:

    1) distance
    2) MPG
    3) average speed (block times are OK)
    4) temperature
    5) mileage impacting observations: AC, winds, terrain, tire pressure, ICE oil level, total miles on tires, use of CC

    This is an open invitation, especially to all NHW20 owerners. Many will be going on vacation or other trips. There is no reason why we can't collect these numbers and start mapping cumulative MPH vs MPG.

    Bob Wilson
  3. VaPrius

    VaPrius New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
    Virginia Beach
    2005 Prius
    I didn't see you around town... ;)
  4. seesfar

    seesfar New Member

    Feb 3, 2008
    east texas
    2008 Prius
    To bwilson4web,
    Hi Bob, Sorry I don't have detailed records for each leg, this was a mad dash to see new grandson that was born a little early. He is fine but came into this world @ 5lb 14oz. and 19". So will list what I have
    1. Distance 2866.9 Total
    2. 50.6 avg for round trip
    3. no idea of avg speed But cc set @ 45 in some construction zones to 75 on good highways. Hit rain in North Carolina on into Norfolk on 19th. This was a 15Hr drive from Jacksonville Mississippi so a little tired after this.
    4. Temps observed on trip ranged from low 70s to high observed of 88.
    5. AC all the time (don't believe in suffering). Terrain was from rolling hills in Tx, La, Ms, Ga. etc. Mountains From Va. to Ar. Then back to Rolling hills in Tx. Tire Psi 44 front 42 rear ICE oil level is kept 1/2 way between full and add. New oil change just before trip with Moble1 5W-30 Mileage on original tires and car from 9,000 someodd to 11,000 after trip.
    Hope this is what you wanted to the best of my records but just didn't have a lot.

    To VaPrius:
    Was in VB Sun 18- Thur. 22 @ beach on 19,20 and 21st Had supper @ Waterman's on 21st. Visited A.R.E on 19th. sorry I missed you.