:usa2: Happy Memorial Day Veterans and families with active military! Thank you for all your sacrifices. As I have seen in someones Avatar...Support our troops..Drive a Prius.
Yes, thank them, and thank you for posting. Taps Day is done... Gone the sun From the lake... From the hills... From the sky. All is well... Safely rest God is nigh. Fading light.... Dims the sight And a star.... Gems the sky.... Gleaming bright From afar.... Drawing nigh Falls the night. Memorial Day Tribute - Memorial Day 2008 - Memorial Day Celebrations 2008 Semper Fi
Thank you. Many Vets and myself will take time today to remember those that have gone before us. We'll reflect on comrads lost but not forgotten. Lt. Alexander "Monty" Montgomery Jr. VF-102 Lost in a mid-air collision with an A-7 26 Feb 81 LtJG. Michael "Della" Della-Moretta VF-102 Lost in a mid-air collison with an A-7 26 Feb 81 AMH-2 Paul Buckstone VA-176 Ingested by an S-3 engine 13 Mar 81 Lt. Roy Hodge III VAQ-131 Drown after ejecting from an EA6b 30 Jul 82 MSCS Thomas Marchisillo S-8 Died of a heart attack days before we returned from our cruise. Dec 82 AE-2 Mark Simonetti VF-32 Washed over board during high seas, his body was never recovered. REF TRA 82 May God take you into to his open arms, May I sail again with you all on the final cruise! USS Independence CV(A)-62 Cruise Book Historian Indy Crew of 1980-83, Air Dept. VO Div. ABH-2 USN 1979-1987 Grt Lks 267-79, NETTC Memphis, NAS Millington, NETC NPT RI Brig Staff Life Member DAV, Member VFW, Member AL
thank you to all our fallen soldiers and their families, for the sacrifices you have made for our country. and to our soldiers serving active duty somewhere far away, we are thinking of you and wish you a safe and speedy return home to your family and friends. thank you very much for all you're doing.
On Memorial Day, please don't thank me for my service. (If done in person, you'd get an earful.) I don't qualify - I did not perish while in military service to my country. If you feel so inclined to thank me, please feel free to do it any other day, or if you must be prompted . . . Veterans Day is the appropriate day set aside for showing such gratitude to veterans. Don't lessen the focus on those who are truly deserving of our praise. :usa2:
Yes. Never forget the young men who gave their lives to defend us. And their families. This is their Day.
I'm deeply reminded of some of my friends (fellow soldiers) who lost their life before/during Desert Shield/Storm. We were "DustOff", 82nd Medical Helicopter Detachment. Despite the odds, we'd rescued, evac'd and medically aided so many people in Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Serving both active Army, National Guard, Army Reserve, General Public and yes, even the enemy. I remember: CW2 Carol McKinney, fellow helicopter pilot died on her way to Texas attempting to fly her aircraft to port for transport to Iraq. She never wanted to die in a helicopter, she always told me. At the notice of her death, myself and another fellow Warrant Officer lit her a huge nighttime bonfire out of a large garbage pit in Saudi Arabia, just prior to crossing the front lines. We will miss you Carol, you were such crazy fun! Our very friendly Flight Medic, Sargeant Jeffery Brown, always so nice, died after crashing into a lake in Iraq Aug 2006. I remember the ceremony we held for him, a flight helmet, a pair of flight gloves, a pair of boots and his dog tags on a table in front of us. All of us guys stood tough ...and cried. Other friends, colleagues and helicopter pilots died before/during/after the war in Iraq and we lost a few aircraft, but the men and women I served with at home and abroad as "Dustoff" will never be forgotten. Signed, Your friend. Just another Helicopter pilot
I can remember a bit furtehr back myself. Another war in another time. capt Jim pate, flew with my dad but decided he wanted to fly thuds. (F-105's) He wanted to kill oxen on the Ho Chi Min trail I guess. Instead he became a wild weasel and took out a radar sam site with his anti rad missiles and the last one took out his plane with a lucky golden BB. He saved numerous Buff's heading to the north country. capt pate was my dad's friend and my god parent. My best friend Jimmy Hardesty, 18 years old. we were attacked while launching 2 F-4's from an end of runway. I was thrown an m-16 and he went underneath the aircraft to pull the flags so they could launch. Those guys really wanted to launch too! A BG came around the tail area and met my gaze as he raised his rifle mine went off. just once. Only time I ever fired one at a person. I guess I won that one. Jimmy didnt and died in my arms that day. a fist full of arming flags and a big grin. I heard those aircrews did take off and did hit the mission targets. All four aircrew members flew to Tokyo to visit me at Yokota as I was resting after my surgery. All the while I was holding Jimmy I didnt even know I had issues too. nothing a cane doesnt take care of. Jimmy was a hero. I just did my job (poorly)and had the foolish dumb luck to survive. I've never forgiven myself for that. That day was my 18th birthday. April 16th. Memorial day belongs to Capt Pate and Jimmy. and all those before and since who gave all in a war they didnt want to be in and just wanted to go home. I never met a vet who ever said anything different. They just wanted to go home. Welcome home.