Anyone know where I can find the window rainguard deflector things for an 2002 prius? I can find them for the newer prius's but not for mine.
I checked websites for EGR, Weathertech, and Ventshade and none of them carry anything for the G1 that I could find. Perhaps another brand carries something though.
I can't find them anywhere. The local dealership told me that no one even makes them for a prius made before 2004. Maybe someone will come up with them. In the meantime, since mine is sedan style it is a lot like the corollas and camrys from around the same year.(noticed this when a friend parked their corolla next to my prius) Any one know if I could get the window deflectors for a corolla or camry and have them work for my prius? I know the rear ones wouldnt work but the front windows to me at least looked the same.
Yes, I was also kinda wondering if deflectors from other vehicles would fit. At a minimum, I'm sure something could be fashioned to at least go across the top edge and part the downward curve going forwards. Might be worth the time to trace the upper door on a big piece of paper, bring it in to a store that carries these things in stock, and just start trying to match it up. Or, perhaps send the tracing to one of these companies to see if they can match it up? It's a long shot, but if there aren't any other solutions, it might be worth it.
That's a good idea. I've got some free time this weekend I might just go get an outline of the window and see what I can find. I'll let you know what I find out!
Just wander around a shopping centre car park with a window outline trying it against other cars. That should be amusing!!
that is one accessory that i'm also thinking about. could you tell me what the benefit of this is? i know that when it rains, you could open up the window a bit and "equalize" the temp so that the windows dont fog up, i think............but what else? plus, it wont let the rain come in.....but besides that????
other benefits, based on other vehicles I've installed them on, include: 1. The ability to leave the windows cracked while parked all day. It keeps the car from getting so hot inside without having to worry if it might rain or not. I'd rather keep the windows cracked while I'm inside at work then leave a sunroof cracked open. This is the main benefit for me. The nice part is, you can't even tell the windows are cracked open a hair. 2. The ventguards tend to cut down on wind noise when the windows are open during freeway driving. 3. If you go with the smoked/tinted guards, it can help cut down on sun glare. If you tend to take the sun visor and flip it around to the door to block the sun, the guards help block part of it already. 3. It's one of the few external car accessories you can buy for under $40. (weak benefit, I know), and they are so easy to install. Other people may have other reasons for getting them too. These are just my reasons.
I went into a few auto parts stores today looking for similar sized window rainguards. I discovered that the auto parts store in my area suck and are of absolutely no help at all. I told them that they don't make the rainguards for my prius but I want to look at the ones for a corolla to see if they would fit, so what ALL of the stores did was to go in back and look just to tell me that they don't make the rainguards for my prius.... After several tries at each store of this I finally gave up and just went to the dealership parts department. I explained it to them and they told me they dont have any for a corolla in but do for a camry. They let me take the one for the camry out and hold it up to my windows and compare. It's a really close fit but the one for the corolla is a little smaller and I think would be a better fit so i ordered those. The nice thing is when they come in I can take them out and compare with my car, and if they won't work I don't take them and don't pay for them. They will be in next week. I'll let you know how it goes when they come in
That is very promising news. Please make sure to follow up for us, and if you end up keeping them, please take some pictures to share!
Together with a sunshade for the windshield and tinted windows, the rainguards can keep your car pretty cool under when parked in the sun. One big benefit is that your A/C won't have to work as hard to cool off the interior.
My Prius now has front ventvisors!!! After ordering the visors for a 2002 corolla and a set for a 2002 camry, and waiting a week for them to come in, I compared them to my car in the parking lot, and took the ones made for a camry. The front ventvisors for a 2002 Camry fit the front windows of my Prius really well. The rear ones don't fit at all, the ones for a corolla were closer for the rear but I haven't been able to find where I could buy just the rear set, still looking though. It took a little bit of pressure to get the visors made for the camry to fit my prius. They curve was just a tiny bit off. I fixed that with just a little bit of pressure to hold it in the right spot as I put the visors on the car. The visors dont fit exactly right in the front by the mirror either, but they are close enough to where you don't notice it unless you look for it. The third pic shows that, with the key held up by it for comparison. All I need now is the rear vent visors from a corolla for the back, hopefully I can find some and get them to work so that I can have the full set! Here's pics, I even waited 2 extra days after getting the visors to put them on so that I had a working camera to get pics as soon as I put them on.
Very nice! If one wanted to, I bet someone could trim that front corner, but it doesn't look like it's much of an issue. The curvature of the guard fits very nicely to the door.