I thought I had read it was 30 days to cancel. I called the dealer yesterday and the finance manager said I have 60 days to cancel. I also called the Toyota warranty number, and they were closed yesterday. For some reason, I don't believe the guy. Has anyone else heard about the 60 day cancellation period? I want to cancel the warranty since we got ripped off. I hadn't read this forum before.
I heard it was 30 days, but even if its 60, if you are going to cancel, why wait and take a chance, its not like you are going to loose any warranty for the car, only the extended, which you can buy cheaper here.
You have 30 days after the application date to cancel and get a full refund. If you cancel 31 or more days after the application date, the refund is pro rata from the application date. When you cancel the warranty, if you are charged an administrative or processing fee I think you should politely ask your dealer to waive it. Below is someone else's transcription of a portion of the Cancellation provision of the Toyota Vehicle Service Agreement (the extended warranty): "CANCELLATION: Within thirty (30) days of the Agreement Application Date, if no benefits have been paid, You many cancel this Agreement and we will refund the Agreement Purchase Price minus a $25 processing fee. In all other cases, we will pay a pro rata refund based on elapsed time from the Agreement Application Date or elapsed mileage from the Agreement Application Mileage (whichever refund dollar amount is less), minus a $25 porcessing fee. All such refunds will be computed based upon the date the Administrator receives notice of the cancellation request." Good luck.
I just got my car Saturday. LOVE her!!!!!! I was told the warranty he was offering was 8 years! Knowing I could cancel, I went for it as the added key replacement would be added day of delivery only. Bill was suppose to be tax included. Get home, look at it again, they put it in months, comes out to 7 years! Hate to tell you what I paid! E-mailed dealer, guy is suppose to call me. Also the numbers do not add up, even if tax was added. Anyway, the contract does say 60 days to cancel.
If you are referring to the warranty offered through Toyota Financial Services (Platinum) which is also the one offered through Prius Chat, the exact language from the agreement booklet is as follows: CANCELLATION Within thirty (30) days of the date ths Agreement was mailed to You. If no benefits have been paid. You may cancel this Agreement and TMIS will refund the Agreement Purchase Price, minus a $25 processing fee, except that for Agreements issued in Alabama, Hawaii, New Mexico, South Carolina, Texas, and Wyoming no processing fee will apply. For Agreements issued in Illinois, the processing fee will be the lesser of $25 or 10 of the Agreement Purchase Price. If you are outside of 30 days, you will receive a pro-rated refund as the others have indicated. I hope this helps.
Hi Cheeper, Hey, congrats on your new car. Yes, be persistent and cancel your extended warranty. You can get Toyota's longest and best extended warranty (Platinum Plan - 84 months/100,000 miles, $0 deductible) here for $990. If I were you, I'd wait until around the 35 months/35,000 miles mark to decide whether to get the extended warranty, and which one (in terms of maximum time and miles) to get. Getting the extended warranty now doesn't get you much (just roadside assistance and I think maybe a little indemnity for a hotel and/or rental car in the unlikely event that your car has to be towed etc. during the first 36 months/36,000 miles). If you wait until 35 months/35,000 miles, you'll have a better idea of whether you want the extended warranty, and which one to get given how long you will own the car and how many miles you expect to drive it. If it makes sense to get an extended warranty with fewer maximum months and/or miles, you will pay $200-$300 less than that $990 price.
I canceled my extendo-warranty after finding PC too. You don't have to go back to the dealer. I did mine through the mail. The instructions are in the fine print. Lotsa' luck!
Not that this matters, but Toyota will automatically apply the refund to your principal if you have a loan. If the loan is not with Toyota, they will cut the check to the lean holder.
Do I have to call the dealership that I purchased from or is it better to call Toyota Finance? I really don't feel like talking to the finance guy that sold me this because I may end up getting into an arguement and cussing him out.
Bought my 09 last week. Told finance lady 3 times I did not want ext. warranty. As she was going through papers for signatures she changed the wording for the warranty and got us to sign for it. We did not see this till I got home and went over papers. Thats what I get for not stopping and reading all the papers as she was handing them to me. They keep you there for three hours doing the deal and by the time the paper work comes around you just want to hurry and leave.
wont let me post a link but Ive basically have the same question on the prius c forum just-bought-a-new-2013-prius-c-two-in-charlotte-nc.135880/#post-1937136