Hi everybody, I live near Rockford, IL and have just become a Prius owner. My previous car was a Honda Accord hybrid. I have a 2008 gray package 6 and so far I really like this vehicle. Today was my first re-fueling and I got just a bit over 50 mpg. I am truly intriuged by both the fan base and the level of knowledge from you good folks. I am eager to learn more about my car and anxious to get optimum fuel economy. At some point I would love to meet Prius owners in northern IL and brainstrom with them in person. For now, I am interested in the most sensible mods and keep my "learning curve" rather simple. Thanks for a minute of your time and I hope to get to know many of you. Ray
Welcome, Ray! I was impressed by the very same things and was shocked at truly learning what an interesting car the Prius is. I've been driving my Prius since January and the only two mods I have done were both free. One saves gas and the other helps me sleep at night. The gas-saver is over-inflating the tires. The sleep saver (just because) is snipping the clip on the rear wiper so that it lifts more than 1 inch above the glass. A few of the general threads mention specific mods and what they cost -- many of them free. The cheapest mod is to change your driving habits a little bit. The weather is nice and you have some time to read up on things like the engine block heater which some folks use all year round. Good luck! Jack
Welcome to PC! The more you get to know about the Prius the more amazing it becomes. Why did you switch from an Accord Hybrid to the Prius? I haven't done any major mods to my Prius, although I did just order a sharkfin antenna as I know I will eventually wipe out the regular one putting the kayak on the racks. Some things I'd like to do would be mud guards, door moldings, and next winter, EBH, better tires for the snow, and grille blocking. Pay attention to what the car is telling you, learn what the arrows mean, and you'll find that the car is very good at teaching you how to drive it!
Hello Ray, welcome to PriusChat! :welcome: Living in Rockford, you're close enough to drive to Madison WI this summer and go to Hybridfest. The Prius is truly amazing, and the more you know the more amazing it gets. Enjoy your new car!
Welcome, Ray! Congrats on your purchase! I know you've been reading up on things and also looking through PC, but I'll still suggest you read through the sticky threads to make yourself familiar with some of the basic terminology tossed around this place called PriusChat. I'm also in northern Illinois, and I look forward to meeting you at an upcoming Chicago Prius Group event. (Check out the site!) As you are getting familiar with your Prius and develop questions, please do a quick search through the PC threads to find some answers. Of course, there are likely to be a couple of questions not yet asked, so start another thread to get your answer! Next: Post some pics of your new car!
Welcome Ray and congrats on the new Prius. There is definitely lots of information in this forum. Everytime I go to the Main Forum or Technical side of this forum, most of the time I do not have a clue what those guys are talking about. So you see, there is also lots of things for me to learn when it comes to Prius lingo.
Let me echo previous posters--definitely sign up for Hybridfest in Madison and check out the Chicago Prius Group. You will learn a lot and have a great time in the process!
Hi Ray, I just received mine a little over a week ago...not far away..actually in Madison.. ...I'll be at the event here.....an easy drive for me even without a Prius! Thanks to all here for all the great info. Hope to see you Ray and others in July. Sam
Wow, what a nice reception; thank you all. Jack, thanks for sharing your tips about tire inflation ( I actually pumped them up to 40 psi immediately after taking delivery of the car) and also the rear wiper clip. Brodie, the best fe I could get with the Acord hybrid was 42mpg. I truly liked the car and gave it up a bit grudgingly. However, I am getting far better mpg with the Prius; albeit a bit less comfy. Bill, thanks for the heads up on Hybridfest. I am already gearing up to be present. A priori, you must be a mind reader. I continue to get incredible, in depth information from the threads on this board. I hope to meet you in Madison if not before. I went the Chicago owners web site but did not see anything upcoming past April. N3FOL, ZC1, and orracle; thanks for you welcome. I look forward to learning much from you as well as many others on this forum. Almost neighbor Sam, I am looking forward to meeting you in July. I will probably be a bit inquisitive, but I promise to not be a pain in the butt. Thank you all again, Ray