My Prius started making a noise about 4 days ago, it sounds like a model airplane engine only louder. At 40mph or higher it is enough to give me a headache. Anyone know what it might be? I couldn't get it in to the dealer yet, they are too busy and I live 3 hours away. I'm not sure if i should drive it that far or at all for that matter. The car has just over 40,000 miles on it.
Just a shot in the dark... Are you driving with rear window(s) down? First time I lowered mine the sound was awful!
No it's not the rear windows, i have experience that with 40,000 miles. It sounds like it is coming from the front middle/passenger side of the car. It's more of a constant buzzing. I'm thinking it may be a wheel bearing or transaxle.
What year is your car? Where do you live? Why is your profile incomplete? Could it be the brake pump?