Have been in So. Carolina for 1 week. Put over 600 Miles on the Prius while here and constantly got 48, 49, and 50 MPG. Better than the motorcycles here! The Prius loves the 5 minute traffic lights they have here. Also the AC was on the whole time! Love this car and the looks you get when you put 25 or 30 dollars in at the gas pump. Biljay
Wow. That's pritty good Gas Milage. When I get my prius I would be doing more highway milage. What do you think I would get then - mpg? Anthony
its about the same actually unless you speed faster than the speed limit. You can get lots better by P&G and the like. I average around 52 or 53 so far on the interstate at 55 mph. I also average 52 or 53 in the city portion of my driving by staying below 45