Not sure this is the right forum to post. PHEV need to plug in to a AC outlet, right? it means it has to be close to house, what happens to people who park their car on the street? I think this will discourage people like me (park on the street) to get a PHEV, what do u think?
It might. No, it actually would preclude many from considering an EV...or a plug-in hybrid. Makes sense if you can't benefit, why buy it. But... Is that enough to not let others have a choice to own a plug-in hybrid or an all-EV? and non-pluggers WOULD benefit with cleaner air, less demand of a non-renewable resource (maybe making it cheaper, but no holding breath...pun intended) To me it seems there are too many choices for cupholders, not enough choices for more efficient, cleaner transport. We are all about choosing from the land of infinite variety, yet only one substance propels us around...oil. Give me the choice for something else!
Businesses should lose the tax deduction they now get for parking spaces unless they provide AC outlets for employee and customer PHEVs.
I completely disagree. Isn't that analogous to saying, "Businesses should lose the tax deduction they now get for parking spaces unless they provide free gasoline for employee and customer vehicles"? Why would that make sense?
It's a carrot-and-stick thing. Why should businesses get a tax deduction for parking spaces? It amounts to a subsidy for automobiles. If are we going to continue that particular bit of social engineering it should be used to encourage the socially useful goals of reduced air pollution and reduced dependence on petroleum. If it still seems like the wrong thing to do I would be happy to eliminate the deduction altogether. Let the users of automobiles bear more of what are now externalized costs.
Oh, i'm not opposed to eliminating the deduction in general, I just didn't think that should be a specific discriminator.
just like parking meters... i think that there would be no lack of plug ins if the government decided to give it at least 20% of the backing it already gives oil
There Are Plenty Of Companies Out There That Go A Step Further. Tax Deduction Or Not, Some Do This. They Save Money On Their Electric Bill By Having Employees Work At Home. There Is No Power For The To Consume At Home From Work. Some Offer Flex Time And Dont Require Employees To Be In The Office Everyday. Obviously This Is More Geared For Office Type Jobs And Not Manual Labor Where You Physically Have To Do Something Or Make Something. So How About Having Work At Home Employees? It Saves Everyone Money As Well As Saving The Environment.
As I flew from Miami to Atlanta I struck up a conversation with an executive with one of the major automobile holding companies. He said that Toyota could put a plug-in into production but was concerned that the electrical grid was not ready for the rapid growth of plug-ins and fully electrical vehicles (brown-outs and black-outs). We had better start building those nuclear power plants . . .