I just saw it tonight and it was so wonderful. Skillfully directed and a well told story. I just loved it...
I watched it when it was in theatres (I work at one). I thought it was a very well-rounded movie. Great for kids and parents.
I saw the preview. I was not impressed. I am willing to be convinced that the movie is better than the preview. Reviewers on NetFlix seem to agree that it's a good kids' movie and very family-oriented. I seldom care for family-oriented kids' movies. I did like Shrek. But not the sequel. Movies can take two approaches to the impossible: They can present it as pure fantasy, in which case you suspend disbelief and enjoy the story, if it's well told; or they can try to make it seem possible be giving explanations that purport to be reasonable, but never are, in which case it rankles me. It's one reason (of many) why I hated Star Trek but I loved Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Did you like it because you were there with your favorite 9-year-old, or did you like it for itself? Or is it even possible to separate the two?
Well, of course I can separate the two. My son and I are different people, after all. There have been a couple of movies he and I disagreed on, but we both liked that one. I thought it was a great story and very well-directed. Having absolutely adored the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books, I was wary of the movie, figuring it would never be as good as the book. I was surprised to like it as much as I did. They did a wonderful job of presenting it - the wry humor, the silliness, the sarcasm - all of it. I wonder if they will do a "Restaurant at the End of the Universe" follow-up? I liked Star Trek - the show and most of the movies.
I know the comment was directed at Sam, but I love to watch my kids enjoying themselves and it is a bonus when I enjoy the movie at a different level from them. The Waterhorse was one of those movies.
I was lucky enough to get the chance to see this movie before it was released. I went in not knowing anything about the movie and really enjoyed it.