I recently had the oil changed at my local Toyota dealer. Part of the process is resetting the maintenance indicator. I removed my ScanGauge before I took it in for saftey reasons. When I got home and plugged it back in (with the system off) I got a check engine light, the dreaded warning triangle, and an outline of a car with an exclamination point thru it. When I took it back to the dealer they said the warning was a result of something like an "interuption in the computer buss" and reset it. They said it was probably due to the ScanGauge. Anyone else have any problems like this when plugging in their ScanGauge?
Yes the Scangauge can cause an error as you describe, but the easiest thing to do if it happens is to use the scangauge to clear the error. Besides telling you RPM's Temps etc, the scangauge is also designed to retreive these error codes and clear them from the system.
Thanks for the info eclipse3g. I was aware of the Scangauge reading codes, but wasn't sure what caused the warning lights- the dealer or plugging in the gauge. It never did it before.
I speak from experience, mine did the exact same thing the 1st time I connected thee SGII to it. Since I've used code readers in the past I just went ahead and cleared the codes created by the SCII. Hasn't occurred since.