Why do I get the feeling that my life reflects the reality of the primaries too? I'm moving to Florida where I can vote more often! Can I get a new battery for my lawn mower? Or a new inverter for my solar-powered charger in the office? What am I going to do with a tank of gas? You won't MAKE us buy gasoline with the money, will you?
Current national average is ~3.83, and April 22 crude futures for May 22 delivery were at $118 per barrel. So, $4.00 (118/3.83) = $123. Crude futures hit $123 for June delivery about May 10. So my guess, based on a graphical analysis (these dates are not exact; they were estimated from a graphical analysis), is that the national average will hit $4.00 on June 10, 2008. This is an estimate. Here in CA, I have seen gas above $4.00 for several weeks now. Most stations are selling 87 octane for $3.99 today. ----------------- Post comment: Since crude oil "futures" are sold one month in advance of delivery, the price of the oil is already set in stone. Any change in oil supply will only affect the futures market. A change in REFINING CAPACITY, however, will alter the crude/gasoline price ratio. So, if there is reduced REFINING CAPACITY or increased REFINING CAPACITY, the cost at the pump versus the crude market will change. ---------- True fact: Last year at the auto show, there was a contest to guess how many marbles were in a large jar. I counted how many marbles high there were, and how many marbles across (diameter), and quickly sketched out (height)(pie*radius squared)= total number of marbles. They called me on my cell phone at the end of the day and told me that I had the closest estimate. I won free tickets to an NHRA race.
I couldn't figure out how to designate the time on a particular day, so is it the first person to pick a day that would be the winner. I notice 5-6 other people have jumped on my day.
I couldn't figure out how to designate the time on a particular day, so is it the first person to pick a day that would be the winner?. I notice 5-6 other people have jumped on my day.
Hah! The reason more Priuses are sold in California than anywhere else? Our gas prices are the highest in the country! Yes, we get ripped off more than any other state in the USA, lead to believe that we need a "special blend" of gas that apparently the other 49 states do not? Gas was already $4.00 a gallon here in the Bay Area months ago - today I paid $3.99 a gallon and thought I was getting the deal of the Century (San Bruno). The gas stations near SFO are around $4.25-$4.35 (yes, that's for Regular), and there is even a Shell station on the El Camino in San Mateo that's selling REGULAR for $4.73 a gallon! If you're a visitor who's renting a car from SFO, save yourself a little money and rent a fuel-efficient car, like the Prius!So please set up a seperate contest for California residents (we think we're Special anyway!) to guess when WE will hit $5.00 a gallon.By the way, since owning my Prius now for a little over a year, I get lots of double-takes when at the gas station - people are just amazed at how FAST my tank gets filled and I am out of THERE!
You don't need to pick a time during the day - the Fuel Gauge Report page gets updated at the same time every day. So just pick a day (or up to 3 different ones) and then if there are multiple entries on the winning day, I'll pick a winner at random.
You know that there's a reason we vote often? It's simply because we also don't count well and need the extra ballots to make the numbers seem right.
Ah, nothing like international travel to broaden your horizons. Here in Reykjavik I just paid 160 ISK per liter. That works out to $8.68 per gallon.
Am I correct in assuming Danny that we are talking about the price for Regular Unleaded? THat is what is represented by the 12 month average graph, but the table to the left gives different daily prices for different types of feul, and only Regular and E85 remain below $4. today. Depending on how many people buy Mid Grade or Premium, the national average price paid for all gas grades could have already passed $4.
I'd love to get a video camera crew and film the reactions of people to someone filling up a Suburban or Hummer, then squeeling the tires out of the gas station. Hahaha!
What's the big deal? $ 9,68 today in the Netherlands..and rising. Expected to hit $ 12,00 p US Gallon by the end of this year.