There is currently a "surge" to hybrids the past couple of weeks, as oil futures climb out of control. Especially to Priuses. I don't expect that to last. Those futures will collapse soon as the government tightens up on the speculation.
"the government tightens up on the speculation" Since when did the goverment have any control over speculation??? Keith
I am not exactly in the same area but couldn't find the exact model I wanted. Called the dealership and was able to order it the way I wanted. Only took about 6 weeks. Pick it up on Wednesday. Can't wait!
I agree with Fraser. I had to order mine from the dealer and waited 3 weeks. He called me as soon as it arrived. It had 2 miles on it and was exactly the color and model I wanted. Worth going that route if you have a particular need.
I received this today from a dealer: Dear Tim, Unfortunately, we just received word from Toyota this morning that the Prius is globaly unavailable till further notice. This might be a couple months.
VERY interesting. Usually, manufacturers shut down plants when they are making changes. (like Apple is currently doing with the iPhone). This could signal a switch from 2008 to 2009 model years, with the addition of perhaps a few changes. OR, on the pessimistic side, maybe they are having supply problems with getting enough batteries. I hope not.
Dealers around the midwest (Kansas and Oklahoma) are saying 4 to 16 week wait depending on features. None are selling under MSRP, in fact if you even act like you are not willing to pay MSRP they stop taking. There are enough people willing to pay MSRP or over right now, you don't stand a chance getting a good deal. Even the used market is crazy right now. They are selling used 2007 with up to 25,000 miles for more than MSRP of new '08's. This is crazy!!!!!! If anyone know of any dealers within 500 miles of Wichita, KS that are taking orders under MSRP please e-mail me. I'm about ready to put a deposit down on an 08 with Package #2 at MSRP with delivery in 5 weeks.
I placed an order with a Southeastern Wisconsin Toyota dealer two weeks ago and was told it could take up to 4 months for my Prius, and I may get a 2009 model. Also paid the MSRP for a #2.
My first reaction to reading through all of this was, "Wow, these dealers must feel like it's a 24 hour party." Then I got to thinking about all of the $$$$ they have tied up in inventory that nobody wants. Maybe after the doors close at night they all sit around and have a group therapy session. This whole situation is just plain nuts. Bob
what if you want to trade in a truck or big suv on a prius - if i was the dealer, i wouldn't want that trade in...
The trade-in value for SUV/Trucks are down 10% and yes, some dealers are not taking them as trade-ins. I have a smaller one that gets 22 MPG and still only been offered $10,500 for it and it looks brand new.
GLOBALLY unavailable ? Those are strong words, and unless I see some corroboration from a reputable news source, I'm not sure I believe it. As far as I can see, we can still order Prii in Canada. Toyota makes more selling in Canada so I think they are still shipping here. (AFAIK, salesguy I ordered mine from said can still order 2 days ago; and I'm still patiently waiting for mine to unload from the train...)
I'm new to the forum...received my black Prius (standard or basic) with zero wait about a week ago....I guess I was just lucky...although the dealer here in Madison is less than well thought of...perhaps that explains it...or the fact that no one wanted that package..... Sam
When I ordered mine last night, the list was at 75 and they had one red basic on the lot that nobody wanted. I figure it will be gone by the end of today. Luckily this dealer is getting in about 25 every 2 weeks. So hopefully my wait won't be enormous but they did tell me to be prepared for a 6-8 week wait. They said it is crazy how fast the car is selling, he personally put 9 people on the list the night before, Thursday and said he had 10 appts on Saturday for people to talk about a prius. Though he admitted half of the people that come in freak out over the msrp price written in stone and walk. The other half have done their homework.
I just received confirmation from my dealer that my Spectra Mica Touring #6 had just allocated yesterday! He said I should have it in 30 days. He was surprised he was able to get the Spectra because according to him they are more difficult to get. Not sure if that is true or not, but I am happy to get our first choice in color. For everyone saying they dealers aren't negotiating, call around. I got $1000 off without too much hassle. We went to three dealers and the third was willing to work with us. Finally, the dealer also reported he received a total of 6 allocations yesterday, so the cars are coming again.
Untrue. Our black No. 2 was shipped late last week and should be on the lot in Tampa the first week of June. And that dealer has at least 7 allocated to it on this ship/
Originally Posted by N.E.R.D. I received this today from a dealer: There don't seem to be any new Prius' available in Houston right now... I checked some of the dealer inventories about a week ago, and none were showing. I haven't been terribly impressed with Houston Toyota dealers. Kinda wonder if the oil companies here don't want any shipped to Gulf Coast Toyota . Sure glad we got our Prius in February... I was a little frustrated I didn't get close to invoice like a lot of people on the "How much did you pay for your Prius" thread, but I did pay under sticker. I'm not complaining now!
With respect to the post on government intervention on oil futures, the Congress is preparing a bill right now relevant to buying futures in this country. It aims to get oil futures out of hedge funds, stop margin purchases, and other things. This bill will get nonpartisan support for sure. The car industry is in turmoil over spiraling gas prices. As for Priuses, the big push occurred the 2nd week of May. I ordered mine the first week, and got it within two weeks, as promised. The next week, my dealer told me there was now a two month wait. When I picked it up a few days ago, he said it was now a four month wait. The car industry sales data for May should be interesting.I suspect nothing is selling except hybrids.
I just searched for used Priuses and Expeditions on Yahoo autos in my area, and I found 18 used Priuses, all asking MSRP or more. Interestingly, compared to the 18 Priuses sitting on dealer lots, in the same area there were 455 Expeditions sitting on dealer lots. Although there were some exceptions, the majority of Expeditions were approximately HALF of the original MSRP. A 1999 or 2000 Expedition could be bought for $4900. A 2003 Expedition (current body style) could be bought for $12000, and there were about a hundred to choose from. When I was driving past a Carmax dealer today (I passed it along the highway), I noticed several rows of full size SUVs, and I just thought ... 'Man, I wonder how many dealers are going to go out of business because of this.'