Ok, I've searched posts about a scanguage, but I'm not quite finding what extra usefulness it will provide, particularly for the G1. Most users of the gauge seem to have a G2 Prius, and I'm not sure if everything applies to the G1 such as battery SOC, battery voltage, coolant temp, etc.... and whatever "programmable" variables the gauge might let you set up. So, how do you use your guage in your G1?
Scanguage didn't exist back when Classic owners were still looking for an aftermarket tool. I know that very well, because I was one and desired that. It's why you aren't finding any info. Too late. Coolant, LOD, and RPM would still be quite useful. I don't use SOC or voltage for my HSD now, so I'd never miss it on a Classic anyway. MPG is especially handy, since that older version Energy Monitor doesn't include it. .
Thanks John. What do you mean the MPG is not on the energy monitor of the old one? I'm assuming you must be referring to some specific readout for it, not just the standard mpg trip meters that are on it already, or the energy bar graph? P.S. I see you are from MN too. I'm assuming from the Cities (most people seem to be from there).
And yet, despite the fact your HSD screen says -9F outside temp, it doesn't bother me.... (fellow Minnesotan).
Check and see if Graham is still offering the MiniScanner for the Classic. www.ecrostech.com I've had mine since 2004 more usefull than the energy screen will ever be, I can't remember the last time I even looked at the energy screen it's always on the consumption screen.
Thanks for the link! I'm still a newbie with the G1, but I also agree that the energy screen is worthless to me. While it's interesting to watch, I don't use it for actual purposes of watching economy because it's too busy and too much going on too quickly. I watch the consumption screen and play the game of making the real time mpg bar stay as high as possible, with pegging it at the 100mpg mark as often as possible. I will check out that link though!
Actually, your "mission, if you decide to accept it", as a G1 owner is to monitor that Energy screen. Try to maintain the battery level in an all-green condition at all times, or there-abouts, you'll find that even going up hills you can manipulate the ICE (the Internal Combustion Engine) to charge the traction battery, AND provide enough power to get up the hill. You will also find that on flat ground you will be able to get the ICE to shut completely off and propel yourself down the highway only on the battery. Also you may find that the ICE will shut off, and the battery will not show any charge going in, or out. These are the times you will be getting your best mileage. The consumption screen jumps around way too much for me to rely on for getting my best mileage out of a G1, and I do agree, it's impressive though. I get 46 mpg on average in the mountains of Colorado with ours, takes some getting used to which route you're on, etc. I can crest a 10,000ft pass with 1/2 a battery left, and usually be "cruisin" down the other side with the shifter in "B" charging the battery back up as quickly as possible. When the battery is in full-charge state, the other mileage making conditions kick in.