Okay, they all are the fastest cars. But maybe "in their class"? Interesting article. The Prius and the Tesla are included, along with some cars I never heard of. Speed Freaks: the 10 fastest green cars on the planet.
Production Prius are electronically governed to 108 mph. "Toyota's own Landspeed Prius cracked the hybrid speed record on a run at Bonneville. Starting with the car's stock Hybrid Synergy Drive system -- a 1.5-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine and 50 kw permanent-magnet electric motor -- the Toyota team gave the transmission a taller final-drive ratio and beefed up the inverter charge from 500 to 550 volts. With lowered suspension, roll cage and moon-disked wheels, the 130-mph Landspeed Prius looks, dare we say, almost sexy." So it was a modded Prius
Read it again. It says the top speed of the "Landspeed Prius" is 130.8 MPH. That is NOT a production car. It has a modified ECU, roll cage, lowered suspension, etc., etc. The only production car listed there is the Tesla. I'd like one please, sir. What, you don't sell them in Canada? Pity! We don't have any fun. We can't own guns, we can't buy fast EVs. waaaah!
They left out Ronaele Mustang. I can't find it now, but they say their only limit on acceleration is figuring our how to keep the wheels on the ground. I think they said something like 3 seconds zero to sixty for their EV600, 600-hp electric version. (They also make gasoline versions. Yuck!) Articles like the one cited by the OP typically find ten instances at random of something or other and print them as the ten most extreme (best, worst, fastest, biggest, whatever). The examples may be interesting, but the selection is seldom justified by the headline.
I went for a quick ride in a tesla, all I can it was quick. 0-60 in 4.2 seconds. I thought my S-Type R Jag was quick at 5.3 seconds. Now driving a 2011 Prius and loving it especially with gas going up.
I saw a Tesla on the road today. I was sitting in the left turn lane with my driver's window all the way down and the Tesla made a left turn from my right and drove down the street behind me. As he stepped on it and accelerated quickly, the whirr of the electric motor was AWESOME! Also today, on my way home, I was behind a Prius on the freeway on ramp, and both of us were in a hurry to get home, accelerators to the floor, and I could hear the whirr of the Prius motor as it accelerated surprisingly QUICK! It's really just a matter of time before a major automaker comes out with an affordable hybrid that is quick. The GS450h was a nice start. I don't need that much power. I'll take a small car with a 4-cylinder but I'd love to have an electric motor that can put out a good boost to my car's engine every once in a while. A Prius option with a larger electric motor that can put out even 50% more power would be awesome. A "Prius R" or "Prius S" or "Prius M" would be awesome. Increase the electric motor output by 50% or more.
This is incorrect, it used the 1.5 Liter Otto cycle engine out of an Echo, not the Prius Atkinson cycle engine.
Here's a green car ... hehehehehe. Nitro burning monsters & 1 electric ... This is why people like 'gas' .. power , noise .. (careful with volume, could hurt your ears, these are so loud at track, you feel the sound waves) (btw, White Zombie .. quick!) Floppers below, woohoo, do they still call them that? fyi, this is sad, but a pro driver was killed in this qual round few years ago. Nitro cars don't run 1/4 mile anymore in US, only 1,000 ft.
A co-worker has one that I've driven twice about 5 miles each trip. Unlike the Prius, the throttle response is the fastest of any car I've driven. It doesn't feel as fast as the fastest sports cars I've owned but that's just an illusion because the torque is so flat and starts at 0 rpms, it is really fast to 60. Also, it takes no skill to get a perfect launch to 60. No traction issues. No slipping the clutch at higher rpms to get that perfect launch which unless you're really good is hard to achieve. The most amazing thing though was simply the lack of noise. A slight whine at lower speeds quickly drowned out by wind noise at upper speeds.
Too bad it isn't the Ford Hydrogen Fusion powered car. Well more 'established' it than cracked it. It was the first hybrid tested there, is my understanding.