High gas prices drive farmer to switch to mules Wed May 21, 7:51 PM ET MCMINNVILLE, Tenn. - High gas prices have driven a Warren County farmer and his sons to hitch a tractor rake to a pair of mules to gather hay from their fields. T.R. Raymond bought Dolly and Molly at the Dixon mule sale last year. Son Danny Raymond trained them and also modified the tractor rake so the mules could pull it. High gas prices drive farmer to switch to mules - Yahoo! News
AT&T Introduces 'Green Fleet' of More Than 100 Alternative-Fuel Vehicles Wednesday May 21. Vehicles Will Roll Out in Cities Across the Country AT&T Introduces 'Green Fleet' of More Than 100 Alternative-Fuel Vehicles: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance This comes after UPS announced, last week, that it had purchased 200 hybrid and 300 CNG vehicles from Freightliner.
Sailing ships, mule-drawn farm implements... I'm thinking I should invest in Amish horse-drawn buggies.
Hahaha! Actually, wouldn't "half"-assing it be if it was a hybrid-drive? This could lead to the zero-emissions, horse-electric hybrid Prius! and the oxen-electric hybrid semi-truck! (it already takes hypermilers an hour to get to work, why not use a horse? Top speed is what? 40mph?)