my prius arrived today! been waiting since nove 24. had to change my interior to beige(ivory) to get it bu its here. solid black!! and boy oh boy isit black!!!!. was going to name him snubby because of its short hood but when i saw it the little grill had a smile on it . had to be "smiley". got between 9 and 99.9 mpg on the way home. very spooky at light when the engine shut off. set the auto temp for 72 and will forget about. im kind of a car guy so i have a different out look onit. kinda like driving a VERY good hadling van with its height and location of the wheel. im just going to drive it and have fun. fred in nashville
Congratulations, Fred on finally getting your Prius! Hope you love her (him?) as much as I do. Enjoy!
CONGRATS!! Oh God, this is getting wierd....I feel like I'm responding to birth announcements!! I am happy for you, though. I've never been this excited about a "thing" before. I've had new cars in the past and was excited then, but this feels different. You folks on this chatline have reinforced a sense I have of being part of something really much larger than simply buying a car. Enjoy Smiley. I'm enjoying "Humu". Bob p.s. I didn't consider black as a color option until I saw a black 9 with the ivory interior at a dealer. Even though I got the Blue I wanted, I realized that I could have happily accepted a black Prius. The Prius in black doesn't have the sinister look of, say, a black Mercedes sedan. Add a few colored throw pillows and some flowers in the front cup holder, and you've got yourself a sexy "nightclub" sort of machine.
It's true. If you look at a Prius from the front, you can see the smile. Congratulations, and happy motoring!
"p.s. I didn't consider black as a color option until I saw a black 9 with the ivory interior at a dealer. Even though I got the Blue I wanted, I realized that I could have happily accepted a black Prius. The Prius in black doesn't have the sinister look of, say, a black Mercedes sedan. Add a few colored throw pillows and some flowers in the front cup holder, and you've got yourself a sexy "nightclub" sort of machine." My God! I'm tolerating the idea of my too-tame white Prius pretty well, and I'm taking what I can get, but throw pillows and creature comforts? Brilliant idea! Who's going to care what colour it is if there are furry red pillows inside or other such clever goodies? (I don't care if you were kidding, I think it's a great idea!)