Talk about a change.....2005 Dodge Dakota Quad Cab with a V-8.....picking up my 2007 Prius tomorrow.:ballchain:. I feel likie a giant, but will feel better when I pass the gas stations and get better that the 14 MPG the truck was getting....
Welcome to the club. After 2 or 3 days you will be surprised at how much you love it. Just wait until you go to the gas station the first time and you can only get 8 - 9 gallons in the tank.
congrats on the wise choice. but prius goes beyond great gas mileage. you are going to have so much fun driving again. theres so many extras with prius that makes it fun. no key. press the button to start. back up camera. fold down back seats to haul almost anything you need to. i hope you got a package that utilizes bluetooth technology. the phone works great with that. the coolest thing about it is if you have the radio or cd player on, when the phone rings, the volume turns off PLUS if you have a cd in, the cd pauses and starts up where you left off when the phone rang.......isnt that neat?
Thanks folks! If I can get over the buyers remorse tonight I will be OK. As expected I took a bath on the trade in of the truck. (cannot give them away here). Makes me smile to think of the money saves and parking places I can get into. Hope to pick it up tomorrow. Looking to get hood air deflector and window deflectors installed somewhere. By the way, I think I got the last one in my area. They are very hard to locate. Look forward to chatting about the new ride here!
Congratulations! I have had the most fun driving this car than nearly any I have owned. Only my 1966 GTO was better but that is from a completely different era. You will love the car. Keep smiling.
Sounds like you got rid of something no one wants and got something everyone wants. Give it a month and you'll understand. :welcome: Welcome to Priuschat and the Cult of the Prius. BTW, your dues need to be postmarked no later than the first of the month. The manual that comes with the car will give specifics on the initiation ceremony. Oh and as the newbie you're expected to buy us all a round of drinks.
drinks on me........................:juggle:........checks in the mail...don't cash it until the second Tuesday of next week.
The most shocking thing is the lovely shade of green that the drivers at the other pumps turn when they notice how little you put in the tank. Yes, that really happens. In the short time I've owned mine, I've been asked the following during the rare times I'm at the gas station: How much does it really get? [If you keep a mileage log and the person asking doesn't look like they have a strong heart, don't show them the log.] Did you really fill it up? Not very creative questions I know, but I was used to not having strangers talk to me at the gas station. It's kinda weird sometimes. I've only filled the car three times, but during two of those fill-ups some other driver has felt the need too talk to me about the car. And lastly welcome and be welcome! There's good folk and good info around here!
Hiya... Look I came off of a truck, not as big of a truck as a Dakota, but a Ford Ranger and a Jeep Cherokee. Lets be honest, there are differences, but honestly I haven't had a second's worth of buyer's remorse. First, "new car smell" is more addictive than crack. Second, this is simply the coolest car I think I've ever owned. OK, you may not be able to drag logs out of ditches or haul tons of concrete with it, but if you were honestly doing those things, you wouldn't have bought this car. What it lacks in raw power, it makes up for in unparalleled technology. Keep and open mind about driving it. It does not necessarily drive like your truck, nor should you drive like it is a truck. Whatever philosophy you adopt about driving your new ride, just have fun. This is the only car I've ever owned where a month in and I still smile just thinking about driving. Have fun!
Congrats on the new car. I've had mine 4 days so far and marvel at how futuristic it all is. i love how when i walk up to it the inside light comes on and the doors unlock just by reaching for the handle. And the bluetooth phone is also great as another pointed out. I had a gps with the bluetooth and while it worked the mic was pretty bad. Now everyone says they can't tell I'm even on bluetooth. I did not get the NAV but use my own garmin GPS - I just got the friction mount for the garmin as I could not find a place I wanted to mount the permanent dash mount. Will be taking pictures of sally in the car tomorrow. (Sally is the GPS). Have posted pictures of the car up in the other section. AGAIN, congrats and welcome to the club. BTW, I have driven 110 miles and used only a little over 2 gallons of gas thus far.
If I'm feeling especially wicked I tell people that I try to buy gas at least once a month whether it needs it or not :_>
I have a friend with a stump-pulling country-spewing truck. When I need to haul large and/or heavy items, all I have to do is give him a call and return the truck with a case of beer in the bed. Let's say Tdoff1 was getting 14mpg. Over 12,000 miles/year, that's 875 gallons costing $3,428 at $4/gal. In the 50mpg Prius, the same 12,000 miles will require 240 gallons costing $960. A savings of $2,468. In other words, if a case of beer cost $20, you can afford to borrow someone's truck a total of 123 times before you start losing money on the deal.
I feel your pain about the trade-in. We managed to sell our V-8 privately, but still took a loss. I saw it driving down the road the other day and I had no regrets. You will love your car! Congrats!