. I want to replace all 4 exterior door handles from Spectra Blue to flat black(matching the exterior trim color/texture). I don't use the little black button anyway, so I could even go low tech and use any handle that fits the look/space. * Possible? * Will this effect any fatures like FOB, ect.? * Can I use an older year handle, like 2004 Prius? I'd like to just go to the junk yard and buy some cheap then install them, but it can't be that easy, right? -Chris
Correct me if I'm wrong but that would also affect your smart key system. This being due to the touch sensors in the handles, I know that and the push button start so I don't have to pull my keys out are my favorite features on mine.
I take it that you do not use the Smart Key system and just wanted to use the remote as a clicker and not just put the hand in the door? I would think that the handles from an 2004 would fit on yours, I dont know what you would do with the wiring in the door handle.
The little black button and the SKS are among my favorite add-on features. Your car looks great as it is(way better than my plain old silver)... no need to go sacrificing functionality and re-sale value for a not-so-great visual enhancement. Here's a Froogle for Prius door handles... pretty inexpensive, but I think it'd be a shame to mod your car this way. How about those silly lambo door mods?
Thanks. Funny, I actually saw some lambo doors and thought about it, but don't think I could pull that off. HA Instead of replacing the door handles I'm thinking I'll just professionally paint them flat black. Then I get to keep 'em OEM and it's reversible! .