Things I'd change: 1) Remove the lock-outs on the radio/NAV/Bluetooth. 2) Add a few features to the NAV system, specifically the ability to easily control routes and save them for future use, and easily view large areas on the map. 3) Sell the NAV updates for a reasonable price. 4) Improve the traction control for those uphill gravel roads when we go rock climbing. None of these are deal breakers, but since you asked... Tom
No car is perfect IMO. I knew I wanted a Prius for quite a while and did lots of research (including PriusChat) before I actually got one. Some of the posts here really had me second-guessing, but when I got the car they disappeared. 1. I don't have a problem with the seats. I did notice that my rear was sore for the first day or two after purchase, but that went away and I attribute it to simply getting used to them. My body was probably accustomed to my previous car just like when you get new shoes or a new mattress. 2. I think the visibility is fine, much better than my Chrysler 300C. 3. I think acceleration is more than adequate. 4. I think handling and ride is better than my previous car. 5. I think my old car was worse for road noise. 6. My old nav system locked out some functions when the car was moving so I'm used to that. I like this nav system better than my old one. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Sure, there are a few little things I wish the Prius had, but the lack of them doesn't make me regret buying the Prius. As many luxuries as my old car had, there were things about it I wish I could've changed, too. Hope this helps!
I don't know but I'm thinking someone eventually is going to suggest Class action lawsuit. The only real complaint I have is lack of seat support/adjustments and drum brakes, (I hate dum-de-dum brakes). Otherwise, the Prius makes me somehow feel like I'm owning my first loved car all over again ...and that was multiple decades ago. ZC1
Hmmmmm... I have had it less than a week and I think the only thing I do not like is that I didn't buy it sooner!!!!
Only thing I don't like are the seats. Fine for short trips but on longer ones my butt gets tired. Other than that there isn't much to not like about the Prius. I think a lot of the driving/noise/features complaints depend on what you drove before. If you had a nice sporty or luxury sedan, the Prius will seem slow, loud and uncomfortable in comparison. I came from an F150 so to me the Prius is plenty zippy, super quiet and certainly has a better ride. The visibility thing is personal preference; again, coming from a truck, ALL cars have lousy rear visibility (there's all that car back there in the way!). But I think the visibility is fine, better than my bf's Camry for sure since the split back window lets you see lower than a standard trunk. Regardless, 48.6 mpg (after 14) pretty much makes up for any minor shortcomings the Prius might have!
Overall I am quite pleased with the Prius. The areas that I think need improvement are: 1. The air conditioning works too good. (I can't believe that I would ever say that). We have found that putting it on defrost sends the air past the windshield slightly warming it up before getting to us. 2. Improved outward visibility for tall drivers. (I consistently "lose" cars behind the mirror when approaching intersections, and I have to duck to see if the light has changed). 3. Allow for navigation input by the passenger while moving. Many have complained of the seats, I have taken several four plus hour trips without any issues with my back. We actually prefer to take the Prius places rather than our Honda van because the car is more comfortable.
I'm not happy with the fact that I can't drive it more!!!! I only have a 2 mile commute to my train station and I don't do a whole lot of driving during the week, so I am practically dying to get into the car on the weekends and take a drive someplace...anyplace.... I love the seats, it was one of the factors that sold me the car!!! I hear almost NO road noise, my Saturn VUE was very noisy on the expressway. The Prius is practically silent compared to the VUE and my old Saturn SL1. I guess the more I think about it, I am not really happy with the sound system. I had much better speakers in my Saturns over the past 8 years. But this is something I can easily modify with a very small cost. I'm still getting used to no auto-lights and daytime running lights. I got so used to not having to remember to put the lights on and turn them off, this is a bit harder for me to get over. But I'll deal with it. Over all, I love this car.. I have never been one to be all mushy about a car,, but this car has done it for me.. I don't even miss that stupid 4cyl SUV I had for 3yrs..
I would like to buy a Prius and I have been reading on the web that the Prius 2009 will get 113 MPG. Toyota will not confirm this as they would lose sales on the current 2008. I have read that there will be three sizes (Which I think will be great) they will come out in consective years noted as A, B & C. ----09, 10, 2011. My complaint is - Has any of you seen the pictures of the NEW Prius's. It will look totally different. I hope I am wrong but I love the Prius look. The only thing I hope for is a longer front to feel safer. (I may fall in love with the new look but I am in love with the current look) Other than that 113 MPG sounds good enough for me to wait! Does anyone have any info. on the new ones? I hear they will be introduced probably Jan 09. They say they are trying to make it with a Lithion Battery but right now they have it with the Old Nicad.. A PLUG IN. I do not live in a house so I can't plug it in. Lithion Ion is what they are using now. Right? It almost seems like backwards technology. Any insite into all of this?
I have an '07 Camry Hybrid. I tested the Prius and the only thing that WAS a Prius deal breaker was the seats. I drive from D.C. to Orlando once or twice a year and I like to be comfortable. On the first test drive (5-10 minutes), everything was good. On the second drive (30 minutes, including Interstate driving), I noticed the seats getting uncomfortable (poor support and hard). Most of the PC'ers have either said they either got used to the seats or replaced them with aftermarket ones. When I replace the TCH, I very well MAY go with the Prius for the 10 to 15 mpg increase and hopefully by then they will have comfortable (for me) 6-way power memory seats.
Well, I only have about 80 mi on my week-old seaside pearl, and all-in-all it has been a very satisfying week. It does have it's strengths and weaknesses, however. For one, the motor/generators make a noise any time I back up or creep forward in electric mode that sounds very much like dragging brakes. At least, I -hope- that's the motor/generators, and not the brakes. Also, as pretty as the seaside pearl color is, it only took three days to look like I'd gone slogging through a mud pit, despite being garaged when I'm home. I'm a convert from a mitsu 3000gt, so I'm used to having a high back-end and spoiler interrupting my rear view. The Prius is an improvement in that regards. And my wife loves the rear camera, it lets her watch the monitor while I'm swiveling my head watching for traffic while I back up. The display could be higher, but I'm not quite sure how they could accomplish that. All I know is I used to be able to keep one eye on my tomtom and the other on the road, while the Prius' navi is too far down and to the side to safely glance at very often, which you have to do, since it does not call out the name of the street you need to turn on next, and the 'turn now' beep sounds literally as you pass the turn. Also, the navi map is grossly incomplete in the midwest. I tried plotting a trip from Rockford, IL to Paradise, MI, and it refuses to use any routes other than interstate highways, meaning a long detour south around lake michigan and up to the mackinac bridge, taking 12 hrs, when it only takes 8hrs to drive via state highways north through wisconsin. To be fair, even the tomtom tries to send me through milwaukee first, for an 11hr trip. Google maps get's it right though.
Yeah, come to think about it . . . I'm not happy with my Prius because it disappears on weekday mornings with my wife. The ingrate car! I'm the one who instigated us getting the Prius, rather than a Corolla . . . and this is the way it thanks me.
I hate my prius as well. I hate it every time I pass the gas station and wish I could pay another 65-110 bucks to fill up the tank instead of the 36 I pay now. I hate always having to answer how many miles I get to a fill up, which is an embarrasing 460 miles on 9 gallons (god how can you live with so little miles/range per tank???). I hate how quiet the car is, how smart the hybrid system is and the fact it saves me money every single month.... Its been 6 weeks since I picked up my prius. Its been pure love.
Oh yeah, and another thing! . . . . I hate how people mistake me for a liberal (Eeeeeewwwww!!!!), or look disappointed when they see I'm no Hollywood star.
I haven't loved a car like this since my '69 Mustang. I only wish I'd gotten one sooner. NO complaints.
Count me as a Prius Lover! I like the way it looks, the way it drives and handles, the Nav system, the backup camera. I like the split in the back window--it shields the bright lights of cars/trucks behind me. I think the rear bumper protector cover thingie is great, no scratches! I like that the deck is high--makes it so easy to load stuff in the hatch. I like the little "wings" in the back hatch--great places for milk and pop bottles so they don't roll all over. The first aid kit is kinda neat too. I like all the little storage compartments. The one thing I really really like is the Smart key. It is so COOL. I like to walk up, get in, press the START button and GO! (OK so it reminds me a little of the Batmobile in the Adam West series) I have never felt this way about a car before, but then again, it really is more than just a "car". Donna
I'm converting from my Stealth TT (twin of the 3000gt), so that's good to know... I was concerned about that rear visibility issue, but if it's similar to the 3s I'm fine with that. I didn't notice any issue on my test drive, but forgot to specifically check that.