Do you find that your Prius driving habits carry over to your other "regular" cars/trucks? I've only driven my Prius for 3 days, and I've already learned so much watching the real-time MPG bar about what driving habits, conditions, etc... affect fuel economy. My driving pattern is definitely changing for the better. I haven't driven a regular vehicle in 3 days, but I can see my driving habits in that changing too as I envision a pretend green mpg bar going up and down.
I have noticed this when driving my car (technically, the Prius belongs to my wife, but I rarely let her drive it ). I will coast down hills, feather the throttle, etc. I'm sure that these techniques don't ahve near the possitive affect on my V6 Sonata as they do in the Prius, but most of the time I don't even realize that I'm doing it.
I too do the pulse and glide on my Infiniti. I doubt it has the same effect, but it does help with the gas least a little bit. Or maybe I'm delusional and only THINK its helping.
I changed my wife's Citroen C4 Computer to display l/100 KM instead of Km/l (as she had it) to match the Prius. The Citroen can be set to display l/100km, km/l or mpg, the prius only shows l/100 km)
Surely it must help a little bit on regular vehicles, but the Prius obviously has the advantage of shutting the engine's fuel delivery off instead of just idling during coasting periods.
I find that I do drive my 1998 Lexus ES300 differently now that I have driven our new Prius for a while. Instead of trying to be the cleverest, quickest driver on the road, I now happily cruise in one of the slow lanes on the freeway at speeds at or near the speed limit instead of 5-10 mph above it, and I try to maintain as light a touch as possible on the gas pedal. Obviously these measures will improve my mileage in the Lexus, but more importantly, it is ever so much more relaxing and mellow to drive this way. I guess the Prius has helped me find a measure of maturity in my old age. Bob N.
I predict traffic flow and traffic light changes much better now than I ever did, driving the Prius provides a positive feedback loop, you can see how much better you do with different behaviors. This becomes a habit and you will do it when driving any car... just like you keep looking for the MFD even though it's not there
There are other vehicles? It is so rare that I drive something else now. Even when I rent a car, I ask for a Prius. They are available at many airport locations, and the price always has been right. I always drove "economically" and rarely ventured out of the right lane (except on long downhill runs). Now I can see more of the benefits of this type of driving by viewing the information on the MFD. Imagine how driving habits would change if more cars had this information display! The instantaneous feedback has tremendous value. Before, I would only know my "success" as I calculated MPG after a fill-up. Now, I can see it happening, and I am able to discover just which actions result in better mileage. It is almost like conversing with the car. Back to the question: Do my Prius driving habits carry over? Yes, I believe they do. I guess I know now how to drive nearly any car so as to improve its mileage and not interfere with traffic. (There are plenty of times when sacrificing MPGs is much better than rudely interfering with other driver's time & space!)
I find it makes a huge difference with my FJ. In town/city driving, I can get 19 MPG summer, 12 MPG winter. On the highway, cruise set at the speed limit, 26-30 MPG, Imperial gallon. Most FJ drivers are crying because they are getting low teens to single digits town, upper teens highway. Well, drive it like a race car, sure what do you expect?
Drive it no differently than any other car. I concentrate on driving, the road and conditions and not the little blinky MPG screen. 41.5 MPG lifetime 144,000 miles.
I could earn up to 28 mpg with my 1990 4Runner (4 cyl, 5 spd stick). The Prius has greatly improved my earnings with pulse and glide, no idling, more aerodynamic body and the consumption MFD screen. When stopped, I now wonder why vehicles around me are idling. I recently rented a car and quickly realized just how far behind the curve other vehicles are.