Hi everyone. I know this is the car for me. I have been reading some of the threads. My question which may be addressed somewhere is regarding voice activated phone, radio, or any other electonic accessories. I have never had any bluetooth items before. I am over 50 obviously and a little apprehensive but willing to learn. What does Toyota Prius offer and if it isn't offered has anyone heard about what is coming on the 2009. Thanks for your advice.
i'm over 50, have every conceivable option the prius has. its as simple as reading up on the subjects. unless your illiterate, lazy or have alzehimers, this is a non issue..i have trouble with the more simple things, like spelling..lol..SW virginia..dont have bluetooth yet?
I am 36, but I feel like I am 50. The car is very user friendly. However, the manuals that come with the car must be read so you can take full advantage of all of the great advantages it has to offer. For instance, the navigation will estimate the time to arrive to the destination. The time is a function of the speed set for the residential, main, and highway roads. I mention this since I just found this feature by finally reading the manuals. Just remember, all of the great features do not overshadow the savings in fuel that you will see over time.
My wife hasn't driven the Prius yet because of health issues. Now she is ready but afraid because of watching me. Says it's too complicated. Like I told her... Just drive it. It works just like any other car except you push a button to start instead of turning a key. After that, it is just like the old car. Put it in drive and push the peddle to go forward. Press the break to stop. True, I like to play with all of the tech stuff but none of that is really needed. Just drive it! It really is that simple. Bob
turn off the display then have her drive it. keep the radio, navigation system, MFD, etc. all off when she drives it. then when you get to where you're going, turn the mfd back on "hey look dear we got 50 mgp on that trip!"