I have a strange noise coming from the back of the vehicle. It sounds as though it's a fan/intake sucking air in, but it's loud enough to be heard coming from the outside of the car. It only occurs during acceleration and when the car is under a load. I cannot re-create the noise with the car in park and revving the engine, what little it does in park. I can begin to hear the noise slightly if i place the car drive, keep on the brakes, and rev the engine. I had a passenger intentionally sit in the back seat on the right to listen if the sound was coming from the intake vent for the HV battery and they confirmed it was not coming from the vent. It was further in the back somewhere on the right. I was thinking it may be something in the exhaust, but that would impact the performance of the car, which it has not. It may be an exhaust leak somewhere too since it sounds as though the noise is coming from the outside in. Regardless, I will be visiting the dealer early tomorrow morning to see what's up. Any Ideas?
Uhh... I would have said the battery vent. Let us know what the dealer finds. How long have you had the car?
I guess being the treasurer of the condo board has its benefits...people sticking rocks into the tail pipe.
I'm impressed by a mechanic who can translate "sucking noise from the back" into "rocks in the tailpipe"... I don't think that's exactly #23 on Toyota's "strange noises" checklist.
I guess it was those people in unit 213 that didn't like how the board voted on the landscaping but are too lazy to come to a COA meeting.
"Little" or not, how do you do that? I've told people that is one thing you can not do in a Prius-- rev the engine. PA P
If in Park, just depress the accelerator. Maximum engine RPM is ~2,500. If in D, press the brake pedal with your left foot and press the accelerator with your right foot. This is the way to force-charge the traction battery. As the traction battery SOC approaches 8 green bars, the engine RPM will slow down to avoid overcharging the battery. BTW this is not a recommended practice due to the possibility of overheating the transaxle.
Really!?! I will try that this evening when my wife is home with the car. The other thing I've told people you can not do with a Prius is spin the wheels-- due to not being able to rev the engine and TC. Are you going to tell me that is possible too-- revving it in N and then flicking it to D? PA P
Nope, or at least not very much. As soon as the wheels begin to slip the anti-slip will engage to prevent damage to the drive motors. By The Way, the only reason to force-charge the traction battery is to maximize acceleration from a standing start. Along with the possibility of damage, it reduces, not increases, fuel economy.
If you shift to N, the engine will be off. At that point, you will not be able to rev it, because the MGs are disconnected. Hence MG1 will not receive power to spin the ICE so that the ICE will start up. It is possible to disable the traction control by putting the Prius into inspection mode, which normally would be invoked for a smog test. However it is highly discouraged to drive the car in that condition since the transaxle can be damaged if the wheels spin.
Is unit 213 part of or attached to your own building? Could it conveniently catch fire without endangering your own property? . _H*