After-market Alaram Question/Experience

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by saltybanana, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. saltybanana

    saltybanana New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    I just picked up my 2005 Prius (package 3) a week ago. I love the new car! :)

    A few days ago they installed an aftermarket alarm for me, and that's when my troubles began.

    I like my smart keyless entry system. It is really smart. However, the aftermarket alarm is pretty dumb, and sours the experience I have w/ my Prius.

    With the doors locked and alarmed and the fob in my pocket, if I touch the inside band on the driver door, it unlocks and the alarm disarms. Cool.

    But if I touch the inside band on the front passenger door, the door unlocks but the alarm does not disarm.

    Similarly, if I try to open the hatch door, all doors unlcok but the alarm does not disarm.

    This is really dumb, in my mind. I spoke w/ someone at Toyota (1-800-GO-TOYOTA), and they told me the factory alarm has the same behavior for all three doors as the driver side door. So, he speculates that the dealer guys are doing something wrong.

    I am trying to get the dealer to fix it, or to remove it and refund my money. But in general, I am a bit miffed.... :(

    Anyway, has anyone who also purchased an after-market alarm that can share your experience with me about this?

    I would love to hear from those whose have gotten the factory alarm as well.


    P.S. - I just joined and found out that I, too, was ripped off for the extended warranty. So I will be getting my money back....
  2. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    There's really no reason for an aftermarket alarm in the NA market. Car already has one. It arms when you lock the car, it disarms when you unlock the car. I'd get rid of the aftermarket, unless you can give me the benefit to having it.

    You can set passive mode on, which will arm in 30 seconds after doors are closed after car is turned off. Downside to passive is that it arms even with doors are unlocked, and does not lock them. re-unlocking the car with remote (SKS won't work if car is already unlocked), or starting the car.
  3. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    I had the same problem with an AM package Prius. Dealer forgot to get
    the alarm. Then they threw in an aftermarket piece of junk called "Automate" and chewed up my wiring in the process!

    I never went back to complain because I was just too angry. After setting
    the alarm off every few days by accident I finally ripped the thing out.

    Now I am trying to get the origingal one I ordered and will install it myself
    if my scanner can set it up.

    The Automate thing would work to some extent. If I opened the driver's
    door it disarmed. OK. Any other door and the alarm would start honking.

    But in cold weather it would get out of sync somehow, so when I set it off
    accidentally I had trouble getting it to turn off without several tries. This
    was super annoying. Not to mention there was a button you had to push
    for this that they put right in the spot that belongs to my EV button!

    And most bothersome of all was if I sat in the car and locked the doors
    but did not start the engine. Just put on the accessory mode and turned
    on the radio, etc, the thing was armed again and would honk the next
    time I got out of the car.
  4. saltybanana

    saltybanana New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"63567)</div>
    If this is indeed the case, then I definitely want to get rid of the aftermarket one. The manual mentions a theft deterrent system, which I assume is what you are talking about. But when I called 1-800-GO-TOYOTA, the guy said a car w/ my package has nothing beyond the immobilizer. Is there a way for me to get definite confirmation of this, that is, short of setting the passive system to on?

    Another point of confusion for me is that, if an additional alarm system is not needed, why do the 2005 packages 2, 5, and 6 provide one?
  5. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Sure. Leave the window open, power off the car, get out, lock the car, leave the fob away from the car.
    Wait 1 minute, then open the door (you did leave the window down right?)

    Alarm should go off. Now run and get the fob so you can shut it off.

    If you Turn off SKS, then you can lock the car with the remote, wait a minute without having to move the fob away, then open the door. Use fob to unlock and disarm the now screaming alarm.
  6. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"63704)</div>
    Did that test on my car and no alarm. When I complained that is when
    the dealer put on that Automate thingy. They mounted it down at my feet
    so I had to just about stand on my head to get it out. Good I guess if
    it was useful! And they spliced into a lot of wires to make the thing go in. Lots of time and effort for nothing!

    Why when my impression is the factory accessory should just pllug in
    and require a few scanner settings?
  7. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    The wiring diagram is not showing the alarm as an option. Really, it's all in the body ECU, with the only component exclusive to the theft deterrent is the alarm horn. I am having difficulty finding the alarm horn.

    There is a customized setting to enable the alarm to sound the horns, that might be off.

    Does the panic button work? It has to be held for 2 or 3 seconds for the alarm to go off.

    Of course, the dealer could have messed it up.
  8. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    Yes, my panic button does work.

    I just assumed there would be another ECU for the alarm, since toyota
    shows the alarm as an accessory for the cars not having it in the package.

    Can it be as simple as just turning on the body ECU function?
  9. saltybanana

    saltybanana New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tomdeimos\";p=\"63832)</div>
    I did the test as well, no horn alarm. However, I also have the aftermarket alarm, which I disabled for the test. That could be affecting things....
  10. Jim Porta

    Jim Porta Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2009
    Louisville, KY
    2006 Prius
    I bought a used Prius that has the Automate alarm that was installed when the first owner bought it. My wife refuses to ride in it since the alarm went off after church when I opened the passenger door for her. Couldn't turn the D... thing off till we both got out of the car and I used the remote. How do I remove the thing without destroying the wiring?