I am about to make a purchase and would like some information from owners. Primarily, I am concerned with MPG. Does the fact the touring edition has wider wheels make a difference in the MPG? Also, the touring package has stiffer handling. However, the dealer did not have two I could compare. Has anyone driven both and seen differences in the MPG and handling? What other ins and outs can you guys offer? It seems this is a good place for information and an active forum. Thanks in advance for the input.
I can't speak to MPG since I don't own a Prius yet, but the touring suspension is noticeably more "refined" than the base model. Much less body roll and a less mushy ride. On turns, and changing lanes, the base model has noticeably more roll and wobble.
I don't think that there is a significant difference in fuel economy comparing the base model to the touring. Having said that, common sense dictates that a smaller narrower tire will have less rolling resistance and result in slightly higher FE. I have driven many of the base model as well as the touring. IMO, the touring option is money well spent as the car has a better "feel" to with a less "floaty" feeling of the suspension compared to the base. The ride quality is slightly more harsh so it depends on what you prefer. If you like a nice cushy ride and want the max FE you can get, I would recommend the base model. If you favor a bit more control handling wise and don't mind the slightly rougher ride I would go for the touring. Hope this helps....
I can't speak to the MPG issue, but I doubt there's a significant difference. I have a Touring and I am having a blast driving it! I had a Chrysler 300C and my Prius handles better and has a better ride.
According to Consumer Reports' road tests of a 2004 Standard Prius and a 2008 Touring Prius, the Touring gets 2 mpg less than the Standard. See this interesting thread about Consumer Reports' road test of the Touring Prius: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-hybrid-news/46823-consumers-reports-tests-touring.html
agreed 100%, i'd wait til the 09's come out tho as there are few to be had now and dealers are gouging on those coming in..
So you believe I could get a better deal on an 08 in a few months? They seem to be very few around as is. Thanks for all the input.
No, they're suggesting that you'll get a better deal on an *'09* in a few months. The '08s are pretty much gone and the '09s aren't here yet. On The Other Hand gas may well be more expensive in a few months and the '09s might be in even greater demand.
As gas goes up in price, demand will climb in lock-step. As the dollar falls against other currencies, the MSRP will also have to climb. Buy now. Those factors will keep the value of your purchased Prius high. Your trade-in (if any) will NEVER be worth more.