If you've been considering purchasing a lockpick3 from Coastaletech you've probably noticed that their Web site is absolutely terrible. The lack of content, up-to-date information and general professionalism coupled with the fact that I can't get a straight answer to whether or not it will allow me to watch videos in motion in my '08 touring #6 has all prevented me from making the investment... so far. There are several references to demo videos on the site that don't show up when you visit their pages because whoever designed it referenced the files on their local machines instead of on their Web servers. Anyways, I dug up the URLs to the videos so you can watch them. The videos didn't give me any more confidence in Coastaletech or their product, but for what it's worth - here they are: Microsoft This is the most interesting one... it shows a video actually being played on the display screen of a Prius. It is unclear what year and trim Prius it's in, and it is clear that it is stationary. Microsoft This is an extremely rushed run through of how to take apart the dash of a Lexus RX350 to install a Lockpick. I think he was trying to make it seem quick and easy by speaking like an auctioneer and not actually giving any information beyond "you pull the dash off and it comes off." The video was not effective at all in selling me on the company or product. Microsoft Very similar to the previous video except in a Lexus GX470.
. was going to answer yes the ULP3 will work on the 2008, as I've spoke with CT for confirmation, but I never asked about "in-motion ", just assumed that features was standard. Now I'll have to call again --sorry. Otherwise, I agree about their site and e-mail support: SUX! Their products are where all the professionalism is. Top shelf! .
If you don't give an alternate piece of text to a link, it picks up the title from the linked material itself. Because Dave didn't bother editing the lame HTML his generator squirted out, you get . _ <ASX version = "3.0"> _ <TITLE>Microsoft</TITLE> _ <!-- _ This file was generated by The Windows Media Player Add-in component for FrontPage. _ This file should only be edited via the add-in's Property Pages. Any changes made _ manually to this file will be overwritten by the add-in when its Property Pages are exited. _ --> _ <Entry> _ <Ref href = "..\media\LOCKPICK3-1.wmv" /> _ </Entry> _ </ASX> . which winds up placing "microsoft" in the displayed field back here on PC. This is kind of silly on the part of PC/vBulletin, too, but as far as I know the mods haven't figured out how to turn that off [and I've discussed it with them when it was noticed that a couple of my links were doing the same thing]. . If you want a link to look like you want it, give it the link text yourself, like {url=http://some.place.com/url/pointer}YOUR TITLE{/url} replacing all the curly-tits with square brackets. . _H*
I received voicemail confirmation from CT the ultimate lockpick 3 will work "while in-motion" --Ordered it for mine!!! .