we are thinking about buying a new 2008 Prius. We do know a little about the car. Will the mfr. warranty cover all that we need if we keep the car 3 - 5 years? Is there different warranties that will cover more that we should know about? Because usually after all the dealing is done, the dealer tries to sell you an extended warranty. We also know that there is not much negotiation room for lowering the price because this is such a popular car. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time. Azdaisey.
You can get a great deal on the extended warranty right here. Please note that they ask you not to use their deal as a negotiating tool with the dealer: http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsor...rius-extended-warranty-service-contracts.html The fact that the car is in high demand should have NOTHING to do with how much they charge you for the extended warranty. You alway have the option to walk away without purchasing it, so that should give them an incentive to lower their price to a point that they get a fair profit and you get a fair deal. Just don't let them complicate the negotiations by playing off car price with warranty price - negotiate your car price first, then focus on the warranty.
you don't need to buy the extended until 3 years / 36k is almost up - don't spend money now on something you won't need for 3 years
Not sure if you know it, but you get 3 warranties - 3 year everthing, 5 years powertrain, 10 years batteries. The last one is the new one. And there is almost zero maint required. A great car. Good luck!
i wouldnt worry about the warranty, that as described by others here is a no brainer. the thing to be concerned with is, can you get an 08 of your choice. supply low, demand high. good luck, but keep searching and pull up your bootstraps when talking with dealers.
I was made to feel stupid and humiliated while working up a deal to purchase a Prius. I paid a higher price than Toyota puts on their website. I only took the deal because I could not find a dealer in Indiana that would take my trade-in. This dealer gave me Blue Book value. As of today I still do not know if financing has been approved. The car I orginally was purchasing was sold from under me while in the process of filling out papers. I was lied to several times by the dealer. I have my doubts about all of this because I feel abused. They told me they had about 20 people that wanted to buy my Prius, but they have $11,000 of my money. I still don't trust this dealer and believe they will call tomorrow and tell me they sold my Prius to someone else. They did it once. This is the worst car buying experience I have ever had.
As much as I love my Prius, due to multiple Toyota dealer shopping and buying experience, I really will have a hard time convincing myself to buy another Toyota, and it has nothing to do with the car, and thats the saddest thing I can think of in car buying.
You know, I really think that I'd take my money back and run. No car is worth that. I think I'd also contact Toyota directly.
I agree - I have purchased 3 toyotas to date and have never had that kind of experience. Sorry to hear about it - get that money and report the dealer to Toyota as a complaint.
its not the dealers fault, if you remember the same thing occured with harley davidson back in the 90's..they couldnt make enough bikes to keep up with the demand..basic economics from there. if you were selling a car for $10k and i offered you $12k, would u say, no i have someone else who is going to give me the $10K that i was asking? PS..this happens with all car dealers, hence the name "car salesman"
I am lucky enough to belong to a great Credit Union through my work. They have a car buying service and, as I write this, I am waiting for my Prius to be delivered without ever having set foot in a dealership and having to endure all the garbage that goes along with buying a new car. I did test drive a Prius two weeks ago at a dealership, but that's it. The CU finds the best deal (for me about $500 under MSRP for a pkg 5), they even handle my trade and will deliver the car to my bank when it comes in. Of course they do the financing as well. This will be the 4th car I've bought through them and it couldn't be an easier or better experience.
I received the lifetime transmission, powertrain and engine warranty that is going on now. Ask your dealer about it. anyone else get this?