Nothing will happen. The car might beep at you; It is its way of saying "NO!". Same thing with pressing the power button while moving. Do not try this tho, because I believe holding the power button down for ~3 seconds forces power off.
No need to flip it upside down. The mirror swivels up and down on the mounting stalk, but the stalk moves up and down too indepedently of the mirror. Grab the mirror with both hands. Withought swiveling it push it and the stalk toward to roof. Then swivel the mirror up or down to adjust.
YES! I had this happen once, and it really freaked me out at first, until I figured out that one of the doors, or the hatchback, wasn't closed properly.
havent had it long, but a few things to always check or be aware off -trunk/hatch doesnt seem to want to close all the way, make sure its closed, or the beeping will occur -even with the lights automatically turning off, they come back on once the car is "ready", and makes the digital gauge hard to read on a sunny day, make sure its off during the day, unless necessary -always check tire pressures -rear "back up" camera, not as good as on other cars equipped as such, always use the mirrors...theres no sensors thats it for now
I'd suggest just drive the thing, no one gives a toss about fuel consumption in a company car. As with any pool car the rule should be if the car has less than half a tank, fill it. One person should be responsible for ensuring the vehicle is clean and serviced, that person normally drives the car home overnight. See it's just normal pool car stuff.
Just out of curiosity, when you remove your shade from your windshield, do you say in a Scottish accent, "Cap'n! The shields canna hold out any longer!"?
44 or better is not "spec", meaning to specifications. Spec is 35/33 by the manufacturer of the vehicle. 44 is optional for people who want slightly better mpg and a rougher ride, combined with more wandering in crosswinds.
I think this is good advice, despite the temptation to gloat about our fuel economy, low emissions, and the fact that the car we drive has the highest customer satisfaction ratings of any production vehicle. Virtue is its own reward, yada yada. In the rare event we break down, who knows... someone in a Hummer may even stop and offer us a ride (probably unlikely), if we haven't flipped them the bird or something. I even sometimes go out of my way at intersections to wave a gas-guzzler to go ahead of me. The object of driving these Mensa-mobiles is to reduce burning of dinosaur juice and carbon emissions, and waving the gas-guzzlers ahead saves a few molecules of same. Not only that, it messes with their minds.
I recall a quip, something like: Speak kindly to those who are angry with you. It is commanded by holy writ, and furthermore it makes them madder than anything else you can say.
In all seriousness, you might want to have a list of "normal" behaviors for the car. Things like: When the ICE starts/stops (particularly when cold), the transition can be rough. There's a coolant pump that continues to run after the car has been turned off. It can be heard, and tends to lead to all kinds of questions. Anything else that's a bit odd for other cars, but completely normal for the Prius. Oh, and of course, don't try and fire any of the weapons systems with the cloaking device engaged....
According to the owners manual of 2016 Prius, everything has to be as light as possible - accelerating, cruising, and breaking. Doing the opposite affects the engine. This probably applies to all cars
Just joined the Prius camp. I really wish I had known about pushing the button to get into park. Spent far too long trying to figure out how to slide the shifter into park. Ultimately had to rely on YouTube for help. If I may add a tip, put on the seatbelt before you start driving. The 'no seatbelt' warning goes from a gentle reminder to stern reminder to screaming at you. Good times !
Don’t idle the car in 100 degrees outside with full blast AC for more than 3 minutes. The 14-20 year old HV battery will have hard time to keep up.