I realize that this means little to anyone else, but this post marks my 1,000th Priuschat post. I decided to start a new thread because a lardmark of this caliber deserves two points. :multi: :clap: :birthday2: arty: artytime: :jester: :silly:
Yes!! But a goober who mistyped "landmark" into "lardmark". :-D oh, and in that picture, I'll never age!
8) TonyPSchaefer, A wee bit boastful are we. Well done you good and faithful prius poster person!!! :flame: :clap: opcorn: Ben
8) Marg, Wasn't that the name of the gas station attendent on the Andy Griffin Show. And Gomer Pyle cousen????? Ben
This from Webster.com: One entry found for goober. Main Entry: goo·ber Pronunciation: 'gü-b&r, 'gu- Function: noun Etymology: of Bantu origin; akin to Kimbundu [ng]guba peanut Southern & Midland : PEANUT Example: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/profile.ph...wprofile&u=1721
Well, if you've posted 1000 articles, you're not a goober... ...you're a KiloGoober. [hr:12c02e8636] Congratulations!! arty: In the heated trenches of a Prius technical thread, I for one am glad to find your sense of humor dotted through the debates.