Phoenix - JUNE Meet-up So I've gotten a few PMs about having another Meet-up & since it appears that no 1 else wants to take the Reins and set something up. I guess I'll see what I can do. So how does the weekend of JUNE 21st look for everyone? & does anyone have anywhere they really want to go/something they really think would be fun to do? It's going to be hard for me to check back in the next 2 weeks,a s we leave for a road-trip Thursday, but I'll try to get on every few days. SO post your interests/comments here & we'll set something up. Thanks All Holly
I might be out there seein friends and checkin up on my house to see how that whole area is shaping up (freakin Queen Creek has been growin like crazy) depending on the date, and the event, i might try and coordinate these at the same time
Thanks for taking the "reins" Holly, you do a fine job! We're in . . . I'll think about possible locations and give you my input later (I tho't the Pavillions were perfect last time!). Teresa
I typically don't plan anything past tomorrow, so for now I'm in. Saturday June 21 at the Pavillions at 5pm just north of the McDonalds in the 1st row, 5th parking space from the north drive works for me.
:-( I'm not available the weekend of June 21st. It's my birthday party that night. I'm sure that I'll be making food all that day, and recovering the day after! On a different weekend, I'd love to go up to that place north of town that someone said had awesome pies. Holly, thanks for coordinating the meets! I know that it's not an easy job.
Holly! Saturday, June 21st, is great for me, but I am pretty flexible, so I would be agreeable to almost any date. The following Saturday I have an EAA (Electric Automobile Assn) meeting in the morning in Tempe, but otherwise would be free all those other weekends. (The EAA meetings are always the last Saturday in every month. At the APS Solar Center. Everyone should come!) Bobbie (2008 Touring Prius, Pkg #2, sunroof, bodyside molding, HomeLink mirror)
Would like to be there, but can't commit to any particular date at this time. Just had our second baby on Sunday and will have to play things by ear for a while Rob
I can go, sounds like fun. I am usually at the Pavillions with my other car once or twice a month anyway. It would be nice to bring the Prius for a change.
so from the sounds of it the 21st at The pavillions again for this one. We'll have to come up with another location/cruise for the next one, maybe up to the pie place...mmmm pie So... Saturday June 21st by McDonalds off Indian Bend 5pm sound ok? Again, I'll try to find a few open spots... I don't think I'll park in the motorcycle isle again, I don't want to become trapped!! Rob, congrats on the 2nd baby!!
Sounds good to me. We definitely need a larger Prius Presence or maybe claim our own row further west by the other imports. Our row last time did get a bit unwieldy, and for some reason all I can think of is the scene from "Weird Science" where the two geeks fend off the motorcycle gang that just rode into their living room. :huh:
I know a few of us are Bobbie. Hope to see you there! It's going to be HOT, make sure to bring plenty of H2O!
I was going to drive out and visit all my ASU buds in the process but because of our current weather situation here in SD, and being a volunteer firefighter they want me here just in case
I'm planning on being there, just sitting here trying to figure out how to bring a really big honking AC unit with. Supposed to be 114 tomorrow.
Nice to see everyone and thanks to h2photo for organizing it. It was HOT, in fact most of the usual car crowd did not show up until after sunset. A few pictures are below. I arrived a little after 5PM and below is a picture with the outside temp An empty parking lot is an unusual thing on a Saturday at the Pavillions but the die hard Prius owners were there I had no interesting (read unusual) shots of my Prius yet. I hate the idea of showing just another Mag Grey photo ( don't get me wrong I love the color) so after the sun had been down for awhile I tried getting some shots of my Prius under the sodium lights. No flash, handheld, some Photoshop to correct the orange, and add a little surrealism.