No kidding...look at the size of the spider in the hatchback! I should call Ripley's Believe It or Not!! actually, its in my diecast Prius. Isnt that funny??
Sorry about your phobia, but spiders are cool. Did you know they can have as many as eight eyes? Probably where "spidy sense" came from - they can see behind themselves! On the west coast of Canada we have black and white stripped "jumping spiders" or "wolf spiders" (small ones). When they mature they turn a golden brown. They hunt rather than trap their prey in nets. One took up residence in my RX-7. It was yellow, and attracted a lot of insects. It was a mobile buffet for a spider!
I won't argue with you about them being "cool" or beneficial...Can't they just be cool and beneficial as far away from me as possible? ound: i have a problem. its not just sleeping.....she spun a web and is hunkered down ready to raise a family. i thought it was cute at first....but i think im going to chase it out...will the aspca come and arrest me if i do??
Spiders are good critters! That one could probably eat the mice eating wires and such. You could sell the babies for that purpose! I'm waiting for my Prius. I'll take one and put it in mine...........when it ever gets here.
While I was driving today, so suddenly a little white spider jumped out on the dash and as I panicked and tried to kill it, it jumped to somewhere else and dissapeared. I got nervious and pulled over to look for it but couldn't find it again. So I started driving again nerviously but it jumped out again and dissappeared and everytime I tried to smack it, I swerved little which made my commute really uncomfortable. Still I haven't been able to find it since I came home. But I'm worried now it's going to drive me nuts tomorrow when I drive my prius due to my exccesive spider phobia I have. And I'm deciding not drive it tomorrow even though the gas price is still high here!
About a year or two ago, I was backing up when a tiny spider crawled right over the rear camera. I am no arachnophobe, but that certainly made me jump!
Bumping thread to say: (WARNING: VIOLENT STORY FOLLOWS) Friday I was carrying my girlfriend's plants from her deck to my house (her apartment wasn't big enough for all of them - even then it took me about three or four trips for the plants alone). The next day, I went to pick her up so she could stay at my place during Irene. I opened my door and... THE WAS A HUGE SPIDER WEB from ceiling to the top of the driver's seat (the sitting part) and from dashboard to back of driver's seat. And sitting in the middle of said web was a spider whose body alone was about the size of my thumb. I don't startle easily, but that one definitely made me yelp. I then called her to tell her there was a delay in plans. As I was talking, the spider ran up to the ceiling and WHERE THE HELL DID IT GO? As I stated a few posts ago, I'm not an arachnophobe, but there was no way I was getting in that car with that thing crawling around...somewhere. Hey, I've seen "Alien". After thinking about it awhile, I took a long stick and, standing at the passenger door, flicked down the driver's sun visor. Sure enough, the monster was crouching right at the corner. I then took the stick and got the spider to crawl on it. I then threw it out the driver's side door, and the thing quickly spun a web and climbed back into its original position. After more thinking about it, I got my wizard's staff (of COURSE I have a wizard's staff), went back to the passenger door, and RAM! Sorry, PETA, but I enjoyed hearing it pop. I also went "ewww!", but that's beside the point. I then threw the staff through the driver's side door. I investigated, but saw no body. I saw spider viscera on the ceiling, however, and that was good enough for me. I then went to pick up my girlfriend and impressed her with my tales of bravery.