Hi all. I’m new to the site. Found it while researching the traction control issue. Very impressed with the knowledge here. For you oil analysis folks, I am the nephew of the owner of Blackstone labs. Glad to see so many of you engaged in that technology. I have never purchased a used vehicle without drawing a sample and having them test it. I’ll use it on the Prius for PM too. I’ve been driving a new Prius for about a month now and incorporating P&G into my daily driving as much as possible. On a few occasions I have apparently entered the glide mode (no arrows on MFD) at speeds well above 41 mph. Most recently I observed the “no arrow†condition at 58 mph. First time it happened I thought maybe it was a fluke. Has anyone else observed this behavior and can you say if the ICE is truly off? More importantly, is there a way to force this to happen and if so, is it even desirable? Thanks in advance! Brett
Hi Brett, Welcome to the board. If you get a chance, you might look over some of the work we've been doing with oil testing, both engine and transaxle. Looking forward to chatting about the technology. Will you or your Dad be going to Nashville next week? Bob Wilson
A "no arrows" state is good but very tough to hit at speeds above 40 MPH. So congratulations for when you manage it! I am usually content with "warp stealth," with the go-pedal feathered down just enough to release regenerative drag. The Energy display will show current flow out of the battery, and in fact the system is drawing about 10-15 amps. Either way, the ICE is spinning, but without fuel. It spins to keep MG1 (one of the motor/generator units) from over-revving.
Bob: it's an uncle (not father). He will not be in Nashville. I know they would like to have a presence at these things but they aren't there yet. He did say if any of you are ever in the Fort Wayne area to stop by the lab for a tour. It's a very interesting operation. And I will certainly be spending some time taking a look at what you all are doing with the technology. Thanks for the tip. Jim: yes, aiming for warp/stealth but apparently get lucky now and then. Thanks for the info. Brett
I have only had my car for under 3 weeks. I have lucked out 40 - 50 times now achieving glide (no arrows on MFD) between 43 and and as high as 64 MPH. It is almost always when I am going down hill (different grades). I think I have achieved it once or twice on flat rides? Going down hill I can feather the throttle to achieve glide above 41MPH, but the results are hit and miss, NOT CONSISTENT. Good question, one I have been itching to ask, but I wanted to witness results a bit longer. PS: I got my highest P&G trip results (38 miles) of 66.5 MPG. Also I will be filling up today for the 3rd time, and I think it will be above 60 MPG. I reset my MFD results for each trip (trying different routes), so I only use hand calculations.