Hi there, I have been browsing this site for over a year and finally decided to register. I have seen an incredible number of new Prius' in Anchorage over the last few months. Maybe since gas is $3.89 per gallon, it has made a difference. We are a two Prius family. We recently purchased the rubber type bumper protectors from a dealer in Florida, and also 2 sets of the splash guards. They fit my car but not V's since she had some type of dealer added trim added. So, if anyone from Anch, AK needs a set a splash guards let me know. Phil
I recently moved from Anchorage. I was stationed at Elmendorf. You may have seen my silver '05 sporting plates that said "LOLGAS". Get good snow tires for the winter.
Hello there. I am also in Anchorage. I'm not really interested in the mud guards, but thought I'd say hi anyways. There are getting to be a lot of Prii around here. I have counted at least 3 or 4 others in the parking lot at work.
Yeah, I came out of the Ak Club the other day and could not get in my car. There was another just like it, even down to the Aloha seat covers in blue. Its great!