Hey! Here's a program that runs on your computer while your not using it. Take a look at: http://climateprediction.net/ I've been using it for a few months now. Apologies if this has been posted here before. Works as a screensaver too!
Bumpy bump bump! Does any one here run a BOINC based project on their computer? SETI@HOME or climateprediction....?
Yes, in fact I run 3 of these programs, SETI, BOINC (Weather Prediction) and UD Agent on 3 different computers. I've been doing it for years and it gives one a good feeling that you may be contributing to some positive scientific result in your onion little way. And then there is always the excitement of just maybe your computer will find that first sign of extra-terrestrial intelligence out there. The only downside is when these programs do run (whether all the time or only when your PC is idle) it basically means your PC is running at some higher level of capacity and if you have a machine with a noisy fan you will here it running all the time (I just close the door and the let the machines do there thing). 8)
I have been using SETI@home for years. Sometimes I wonder, though, if it would process the data faster if the graphics weren't there. Sometimes I like looking at the graphics, but other times I just don't. And even with the increase in processing speed and data connections, I don't think they have increased the size of the packets to work on. I mean, I understand that the smaller the chunks, the larger the population distribution, but I would have to think that there are some poeple just zipping through these things.
I had been using SETI@Home almost since it's inception but then a few years ago had to re-install my system so I had no screensaver for a few years. Then I tried a few others and just now I checked out UD Agent mentioned above by rohlrogge. It looks very familiar. I think I might have had that one running for awhile there, though it doesn't look quite right. Did they change their name along the way? In any case, about 10 months ago I went with http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ I think I'll check out UD Agent again, once my current WCG project ends. It's at 91%.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer\";p=\"63702)</div> great questions, i must ask have you visited the site recently? they are changing their software to be more flexible now since the capabilities of computer on the network is so large. you now have the ability to choose the work unit size to more fit your computer. as an example, i have 5 computers running setiathome. i connected to the internet so often to download work units that i was averaging 23 hours connected a day. (i set inactivity to 30 mins just to see how often setiathome was accessing its network.) also, the graphics do slow down the computing. a command line interface will reduce the processing time about 20-50% depending on system configuration and OS being run. you do have the option to do this.
For all of you "BOINC" heads out there who are not part of a team, please feel free to join "Barefoot Technology" to pool our crunching power. We currently run SETI, Climate Prediction, Einstein@Home, and Predictor@Home projects. Everyone is welcome!
Just started this week using BOINK for ClimateChange.Net. Currently doing three simultaneous scenarios (two machines). I made a team for my company, so that I can get brownie points. If you haven't joined a team, or not using your computer yet, here's my page with info leading to the ClimateChange.Net web page. http://www.infoextreme.com/?page_id=9 I don't sell anything on my site, it's just there for reference. I really want to make my company Green and have a zero footprint. It's rather hard, since we have harsh winters here (for a large city) and 100% of our power is hydro-electric, and dirt cheap. Same company in Toronto pays 3x my electric bill for the same consumption. I'll be going with a windmill soon, once I raise at least 8k$. My employees and I will keep older computers an extra two years to finance. What about your workplace? Going Green or does the president drive a (B)ummer?