cool neighbors. there are about half a dozen prii on our block. i'm currently at my friends and i can see 2 prii within eye shot distance.
I've seen at least two other Prii on my block as well; one of them is new enough not to have a plate yet. This is besides my two (one of which is also too new to have a plate...) We're taking over the world, one car at a time...
Complete with reasonably-sized homes. Awesome... 'cept for that giant truck in the middle. Photoshop eraser! Or hold the camera a bit higher and use the stop sign to block out the truck.
I think I'm the only one in my neighborhood, too, although my next-door-neighbor's buddy got one recently. . _H*
Mine's the only one I've seen in my neighborhood. Sort of surprising, considering it's a townhouse development of probably 100 homes.
I think I am, too, but their are five Prii at my job... A mica green, a blue, a red, and two silvers (mine and another).
The wife gets into the garage in our 1500 sq ft home. unfortunately so does our useless junk. The junk gets to go buy buy this summer. I might be able to park inside then! We are the only Priis in the whole 200 home area.
Actually, the stop sign is in the perfect place. "Stop Trucks" the photo says. And I have a garage too, but even without all the useful junk (bikes, bike repair gear, gardening tools, and art projects in various stages) I have in there, the car would barely fit... It's kind of a weirdly narrow 1-car garage. I like to think that it's the carriage house on our 1400 sq-ft mansion.
I'm actually the only prius at my workplace, out of the whole factory and office worth of people that work at CAT. Kinda odd. Mostly desiel trucks.
Well in southern Adelaide mine is the only Prius I have seen in my housing estate of 500+ homes. One aspect of US life I envy is the price you pay for cars there. I'm sure there would be more Prius on the road here if they were closer to $25,000US rather than the $35,000+US price tag they wear here.
It would be really cool if you filled out your personal profile under your avatar so we'd know where you lived.