Last week I saw a new (no plate yet) Prius with all of the insignias etc in gold. Is that a standard item or a dealer's idea of a "must have" upgrade? Ted
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw when I was 9 years old, during the 1964 presidential campaign. I thought it was very clever, and, apparently, memorable: "AuH2O" Any takers, with a chemistry background; or who are willing to date themselves??
It's something that i saw as a option in the accessory depart of the dealer....i think the gold only looks good on white, mines silver so pass....
My wife and I laugh about "The Gold Package" all of the time. It seems a certain type of people go for this look. Not my cup of tea and never will be (thank goodness).
It is an option. I got mine free as part of negotiating the sale. The gold package involves someone coming out to the dealership and painting the silver insignias etc. in gold metallic paint. I watched the gal do it. Next time, I will find something else to deal over and do the "gold package" myself. I must admit, it does look sharp on a black Prius, sets it apart from the crowd!
I never realized it was an option. That's hilarious. I always figured it was reserved for the higher-level trims on the rides most favored by ... uh, staid old people? E.g., Avalon and maybe Sienna. XLE, XLS, Limited, that sort of thing. Stupid image-driven nation. (Says the guy who is still pretty sure that the hybrid-only image of the Prius had little to do with his purchase thereof, certainly less than the geek factor and hatchback...)
One version aroungd the chemistry departments, was Au + H20 => N.R. P.S. Political note: In college we regarded him as the Devil. After the past few years of politics and government, he is beginning to look pretty tame.
I saw a new Corolla yesterday with the gold bling emblems. It seems bad taste is not limited to Prius owners.