Hello, I am at my 6th week with my 2007 used prius (17000 miles). I am not getting regular 51 MPG, with occassional peaks of 54+ mpg. Interesting I have been driving very conservatively a Nissan Altima 2.5, and getting regular 27 mpg in the city. I am driving the prius pretty much the same distance, but i have changed my route to accommodate better mpg, and that has been very helpful. I was out of town for a couple weeks and my wife was driving the Prius, and she only gets average 48 MPG, but I can assure you it is how she drives, as she is not as conservative as I am in that regard. I only report this to say that MPG is as much how you drive as it is with any other factor. I don't feel like I am giving any thing up, because in general I think every drive should do the following: 1. obey the speed limits 2. Drive with a focus ahead (more than the vehicle in front of your bumper). 3. Drive as if you understand that you really don't get any value in drafting the vehicle in front of you. 4. Don't worry about he hypertensive driving riding your bumper, remember if he hits you it is his insurance that pays. Enjoy, Chris
I would love to mount rearward facing photon torpedoes myself. I dislike big cars and trucks trying to hump my Pri with me in it!
I get great numbers but I believe that my daily distance has much to do with it. Daily drive to work is about 25 miles each way. A trip to the 2 nearest shopping area's about 15 - 20 miles. Trip to my parents house 25 miles. No matter which way I go I can always run most of my errands on the way to or back without ever shutting off the car. I most typically now always get in the 56 - 63 range then the wife kills it when she gets a hold of it for 3 days a week to go to school for her 45 mile each way where she admits to driving 75 + MPH for much of it.
Sometimes, but my rule is if my eyes can't see it while its in ready then its not staying on. If its going to take more then 5 minutes its also going off.
Thanks - that makes a lot of sense. I guess I misunderstood your post: "No matter which way I go I can always run most of my errands on the way to or back without ever shutting off the car."
Those guys that ride my nice person just make there commute slower because I just slow down more. I am a big kid and usaully when they pull up aside me to bitch or give me a dirty glare and they catch the size of me and the heavily tattooed arms they quickly look ahead as if they werent going to say anything. I don't take kindly to aggresive drivers, especially those that are all talk and no action. And plus how funny would it be to have some redneck truck driver say that he got the crap beat out of him by a prius driver, Haha. (oh yea and I don't promote violence even though this post seems otherwise)
I say those are great numbers - 52 mpg! My last tank calculated to 49 mpg and my display has been staying betweem 48 to 52 mpg. We had some cold spell in the morning for a few days, but looks like we are going to warm up this week. There was one point when I saw 61 mpg average one day going to work.
I got a 58MPG trip today to work. My commute is 15 miles, and it takes me about 30 minutes in the route I take. I was very pleased with the result. I will also say this is a tank of Chevron gas. now i rarely purchase Chevron, but because of some things I have been reading here I thought I would try. It is difficult for me to believe that a 'brand' of gas with additives would make a difference, but I wonder. My previous tank was Shell. Previous to that were discount (I suspect with 10% ethonal). My best tanks were with Shell and now Chevron. I am not able to tell yet if it is because I am driving better or if it might be the gas. Chris