Hello I want to be able to play video when in motion. I have the vais sl2v1 and an ipod touch and would love to play a movie for those long trips (to keep the kids quiet). Anyone know how this can be accomplished? Is there another thread that details this? Thanks in advance
My understanding is that this only works when the car is parked... possibly parked with the ebrake on. I've read vague comments about how it is possible to modify Lockpick3 to allow video viewing while in motion... but I have never found any clear how-to guides. The makers of Lockpick3 also don't support or provide any information about enabling video while in motion. I would buy LP3 and a video ipod right away if I believed there was a reliable way of getting video while in motion... but I don't believe there is, yet.
Go look in the Audio forum, I think you need to do the speed sensor defeat. I'm installing a Vaistech sl2Vi tonight so I will be looking at the hack in the near future.
If any of you guys find the hack could ye post it please im waiting on delivery os the sl2vi to ireland and want video in motion too.ive heard its something to do with grounding the ebrake wire from the radio
Try this thread it worked well for me I put the switch to the left of the steering wheel next to the panel light rheostat. Also look at the next page on the thread he gives a better location to access the wires. http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/394-speed-sensor-defeat-update-2.html
You'll be able to play video with the Lockpick that was posted. It gives you audio/video input which is able to be used while driving. You'll be able to take the signal from your video ipod... remember, if you want to get a video feed from something other than an ipod you'll have to hook up a DVD player of some sort because your stock CD changer only reads CDs. It's just a matter of time before you get lectured about having a movie playing while driving.... there are hundreds of threads similar to this one and every single solitary one of them turns into a flame war. So sit back, relax, grab a frosty beverage and hold on. Mike
Just wanted to add that I am using the Vais adapter also and the combination of defeating the speed sensor with this product works well at quieting child in back. It also has the benefit of allowing you access to the playlists while the car is moving.
grypen did you have to put a switch the nav wire or the pink one circled here on ev nuts guide(speed wire interupt)(prius mods).i do not have nav but would like to access the playlist at least on the cd changer.sorry i forgot to mention i have a european prius since i live in ireland and will shortly installing a sl2vi thanks again. Darell's Electric Vehicle Page
I put the switch on the multi display speed sensor wire not the nav. This also has the benefit of enabling your bluetooth dialing. Chris
Sounds like a great idea .... after you rear end somebody because you got sucked into that episode of "Sponge Bob SquarePants" Please post some wreckage photos, and let us know how the legal system treats you and what your final out of pocket cost for this mod is!!! Now that should make some intresting reading! Good Luck de Pat KK6PD
Allow me to state the obvious again. It is illegal to have any entertainment video visible to the driver while the vehicle is in motion. One exception is to let it control by an interlock (such as Park gear or emergency brake). The law is there for a reason as KK6PD said. But, then, attaching anything to the windshield is also illegal. So many people attach their GPS units to the windshields. Missing front license plate is also illegal. And, yet, many vehicles have been running w/o it. Anyway, just a friendly reminder from me.
thank you ceric obviously KK6PD you dont have children.i have the unit running fine here in ireland also it is 20 times safer changing tracks and artists trought the MFD/steering wheel instead of taking the ipod out of the center console scrolling trough the ipod selecting a song then concentrate on the road which i nearly wrecked my prius several times doing so.there are loads of cars with front screen dvd players and GPS units hanging out of there front windscreen some even have 3 items now thats dangerous
If you think Sponge Bob is distracting wait until the child in the back seat is screaming and complaining about the trip because they have nothing to keep them distracted. Chris
going to try get the lockpick trough a friend dont want to mess with the warrenty car is just 12mths old.also the speed wire on my prius(european) is either 2 pins up from the usa version purple wire there or a different colour b/w one where it should be.i have to pay 5 euros for 1 hr viewing from toyota techdoc and that liabrary is huge.no dealer will help or tell me the wire.does anybody know of a override same as the nav one in the diagnostic screen