Hello, I've read that some head lights are too bright and that they can make it hard for other drivers to see properly. I ordered a package 7 to get VSC, and I am a little concerned about the HID lamps. Can anyone with this option comment on the brightness? Is it excessive? Thanks Maurice
I have just over 3000 miles on my 2004 package #7. Half of those miles are driven at night...I work the night shift at a hospital 30 miles away from my home. I have been "flashed" by oncoming traffic (with my low beams on) a total of four times. I think people will get used to the new bluer lamps as time goes on. As far as how the lamps work for me, I don't notice that distance coverage is much better than standard beams, but what's up close is very well-lit.
I've had my 04 Driftwood #7 (with HID) for three months. I've been flashed by other drivers just twice. I gather that my headlights are NOT bothering other drivers. David
Hi: I've got a number 7 option too and had the same question about the HID lights. I've encountered them on other cars coming at me and sometimes thought they had their brights on. I've been flashed once, but I've only had the car for nine days, so too early to tell. I agree with the other posts; I think more and more cars will have lights like these and drivers get used to them. Frankly, the visibility from the driver's side of a pair of these lights is awesome. I didn't realize how blind I was in my old car at night until I drove with a pair of HIDs. Bob
I have package #7. I seldom drive at night, but have never noticed a difference in illumination as compared to my old '89 Civic. However, in general I think it's more dangerous to blind the oncoming drivers than to have a little less illumination on the road ahead of you. I never woud have gotten HID headlamps, but I wanted VSC. I am often blinded by oncoming cars whose dim lights are far too bright.
I have driven at night a lot since November '03 in our '04 Prius with the HID. Never have had a problem with other drivers flashing at me. I really find these lights very effective - there are a lot of deer vs. car accidents here in se OH and I am able to see and avoid pretty well, better than our other vehicles that are not HID equipped.
I've gotten "flashed" 5 times since Dec 24 and I DON'T have the HID headlights. Maybe its just the high placement of the lights?
I really wish that the HID was an option not a package deal. I use HID on my motorcycle but that is because I want to be seen by other drivers. I have hated HIDs ever since they came out. If people feel they need more light then there should be three options. Normal mode, HID mode, and Bright mode. That would keep people from blinding everyone else on the road. I am sure I will get flashed at once I get my Prius. Pkg 7 or 9.
I'm going to throw in my $0.02555555599999 on the issue because a lot of what people are saying I believe is caused by ignorance. The HID lamps that you see out on road that are blinding you are 90% of the time either a) non-OEM (now-illegal) kits that people (read ricers) are putting on their cars to give them more "bling" or B) are generation 1 OEM HID lamps that do not have an auto-leveling feature (which I believe is now mandated by the DOT). Lack of leveling can cause some drivers to have the lights shine brightly in their eyes, just as they would with standard halogen lamps that aren't aimed correctly. HID lamps are the closest thing to normal sunlight that is available on automobiles currently - sunlight has been proven to be one of the easiest levels of white light to ignore on a normal basis. But the problem is that you only see HIDs on maybe 5% of the cars on the road, so you are not used to them at all, so as a result they are unnatural and different to another driver. Think of it as if you're if a room with dimmed, normal lightbulb lamps, then you pull up the blinds and pull back the curtain - you get blinded, right? Well, it's the same thing on the road. Once you become accustomed to the white light from the sun, the dimmer yellow light from lamps is what really stands out then. My point in all of this rant is to say that HIDs are a safety feature - they are the best way possible for a car to see you at night by not blending in with interior lighting or, for the most part, street lights, and also for you, the driver, to be able to see the maximum amount on the road. A lot gets lost in that crap standard yellow halogen light (not as bad on newer cars, but bad bad on older ones). Once HIDs become a cheaper and standard feature, we won't even discuss this topic - instead we'll wonder why in the hell we never had them in all of our cars before. I personally have a pair of Sylvania Silverstars on my MR2 - they are one of the brighest white lights you can get out of a halogen lamp. I took the time to properly set them and adjust them and I now see about 60% more things on the road than I did without them. I personally can't wait for my HIDs, and those who think that they're too bright need to understand why they appear bright to them, that's it's subconscious and not real. It's like a case of dial-up vs broadband. My parents didn't understand why they would need broadband and were set against spending the extra money on - all hoopla and no substance. Now they are probably going to drop their landline phone, but I couldn't pry their dsl modem away from them