Hey Guys. Started Prius search in earnest today. Yea! I have spoken to about 10 fleet managers and am being told 6-9 week wait. Then Nigel from Toyota of Plano returned my call. He said he had an 08 Pkg 6 non touring in Spectra Blue coming in 4 days and I could have it. It has extra mile option pkg A, vehicle shield pkg and etched glass. I kind of wanted touring, but maybe can stiffen the ride later. Price is 29,100 + TTL. He wants $1000 down to hold it for me. I have always been told if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. What do you guys think? Thanks for your help. Keri
i got the touring package 6 for less, but times have changed since nov 07 and they demand more now. if you can wait til sept/oct you'll have your pick of the litter on an 09...btw, dealer cost is 24866, so where's the deal
--Lefat1--The deal would be that I would not have to wait for 6-9 weeks. I am driving around 300-350 miles per day now in a gas guzzler. I did build the same car on Toyota.com just now and the MSRP listed as $248 higher than what this guy is quoting me. I thought that was good. Maybe it's not? That is kind of why I was posting to see if this was a good deal or not or if you guys thought salesman is full of bunk. I have money to buy a car, but not money to throw away on a bad deal. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Keri
By looking at the posts here on PC over the last week or so it seems that anything at or below MSRP is a good deal in most parts of the country now.
Hit a snag, of sorts, with the internet purchase. The guy at Toyota of Plano called back and said that he needed $1000 deposit to hold the car. Well, that is $500 more than anyone else is requiring, but he is the only one who will fess up to having an available one. So I say ok, I will use my debit card and will just consider it as part of my down payment. No deal. I offer a check, wire transfer, credit card and was told that to reserve this car I will have to come to the dealership and put up the deposit in person. What? I only live 3.5 hours away from the dealership! He is very nice and even apolgetic about this. He said it was a new policy as they had some problems over the last few weeks with people not buying the cars that they had requested. Oh well, not a big deal as I called and my sister in law lives a few minutes from the dealership and is willing to go tomorrow and put the earnest money down, in person. Dealer offered $100 off of price for my troubles. Better than nothing, right? It just sounded weird to me. Who knew that buying a car could be this stressful??? Thanks for letting me vent, Keri
good luck, sounds a little fishy to me as you describe...keep in mind the deposit by law is refundable
Something is up. These cars can't be kept on the lots, so even if you did put a deposit down over the phone (which every dealer I've talked to will let me do), you can say no thanks and he'll just sell it to the next person in line and happily refund your deposit. You're being strongarmed. I would be careful.
I agree that it sounds like something is up. I am speaking to their General Manager now. Will update as soon as I know something.
That kind of crap is exactly why I did not buy mine from Toyota of Plano. At the time they even tried to convince me that the $1000 deposit was not refundable. There are at least 10 Toyota dealers in the DFW area. Have you tried most of them (phone calls, email, fax)? Paying too much and/or not getting the car you want merely to avoid waiting for a few weeks would probably be a mistake.
Kerry Cauldwell GM of the dealership called and said that I could overnight them a check for the deposit. I asked him to please send me the contract and all info on the car and then I will go overnight the check. They wanted to know if I wanted the extended warranty. I said no that if I bought it, I would buy it here on PC and he told me that there is no way I could get it cheaper here and it be the same warranty. I did not have the specifics on the warranty from PC, but I told him I would get some info on it to compare to his warranty. I could not find the warranty info in the Prius Shop, but I'll keep looking. I feel like I am not handling things as smoothly as I would like to. I have the nagging feeling that I am overlooking something. I like the car, I am ok with the price. I just wonder how in the heck they have a car that no one else in the Gulf States Region has?
Hey Keri, I would say Give Toyota of Plano the $1000.00. Here's my story. I started looking for a Prius last week. Most dealer didn't even have one to test drive. I heard anywhere from 6-8 weeks to Christmas to get one. Everyone was asking $1000.00. One dealer said if you find one then buy it. I went to Toyota of Plano on May 6 and they had a rental to test drive but were not even taking orders. I test drove then told them to call me when they were taking orders. On my drive home I get a call on my cell from my salesman. He tells me that someone just told him they were getting one in in the next week or so, Mag Grey #6, but he needs me to come in right away and put down a $1000.00 deposit, that night if possible. I went home and talked to my wife, we discussed options and decided to give it a shot. I gave him my Amex over the phone to hold it and went in the next morning to sign. Now the whole time I'm thinking this must be a scam and I fell for it. The car was due in May 10-13 so I thought I would get a call on the 13th telling me it was delayed. But at least I was in line for one. On Friday afternoon May 9 I get a call and he says hey your car is here can you pick it up at 9am tomorrow. I was shocked. He told me he actually got two. He called me yesterday to see how the car was doing and I asked him more about inventory. He said yesterday morning in their staff meeting they announced that another one had come on overnight and after the meeting was over all the salespeople were calling their clients. The dealership says first person there with down payment gets it. So I would say just stay after them and it's safe to give them the $1000.00. I got mine in 3 days and I consider myself to be the luckiest person in Dallas. My salesman was Randy Imel at Totota of Plano, if you buy from him make sure you give him my name(Clay). Good luck!
Have a couple of things to add. My car has the extra package also. That worthless crap is put on by Gulf States and not the dealer. My friend told me the dealers sued a few years back to prevent that and lost. For the extended warranty they may be feeling you out and may sell the car to the person who buys the warranty. For now I would say you don't know much about it and want to learn more, then refuse it at closing. They tried to hard sell it to me and I just said no. Needing the money in person is in line with what my salesman told me after I already had my car. If I were trying to get one I might just send my salesman a $1000.00 check so that when the right car is available you're ready to go. They can't keep your money no matter what they tell you.
Clay, You have made me feel so much better. I am feeling like you were, that I was falling for a bait and switch or some other such nonsense. Dealer just called back and is faxing info now. We'll see............
They can't keep my money? How does that work? That has been one of my hangups about the whole thing. I am afraid that the car will not be there and then they will keep my $1000. When I get the fax, I will post specifics and maybe you will tell me what you think of it. This is my 1st ever car deal so I am just a tad on edge!
Prius has been somewhat of a hot comodity here in Dallas/Fort Worth area atleast. I suppose its the same all around the country. I had been looking for a pre-owned Prius for a few weeks but everything seemed over priced if available at all. I went to Toyota of Richardson. They had a handful of 2007 units with ~20K miles on each. They were asking for $25K for each of those. When I pointed out that was more than the price of a new 2008 Prius - they actually insulted me in front of my family. Had my 7 year old son not been with me, I would have retaliated - but I decided to let it go and just left as quickly as I could. I will never goto Toyota of Richardson and will tell everyone about this. Anyway - later that night I got a 2008 pkg1 with 9K miles on ebay for $21K. Just had to go pick it up from Houston. So far so good. Glad I got the Prius. Been averaging ~49-50 mpg.
An "extra" package, meaning pinstriping, fabric protection, paint sealant or similar junk? If one dealer claims that Gulf States does all that and they have no control over it you really need to talk to some other dealers. You have the money, therefore you have the control. Don't let any dealer push your buttons. If you think you just have to buy something right now then they've got you. Avoiding one lease payment on your old car may turn out to be expensive. Take a deep breath, calm your nerves, and go read Consumer Reports' advice on buying a new car, either in the April issue of their magazine in nearest library or online at ConsumerReports.org - Car buying guide for new and used cars by Consumer Reports
Interesting.... I spoke to NIGEL about 3 weeks ago about a 08 Touring. The price that he quoted me was 28,800. This was for the #5 with LEATHER and the Shield. He was very nice and was willing to take a deposit over the phone. I live in NYC and was looking at buying it in PLANO and have it shipped. He was willing to deal with the shipping (at my expense) and also the TTL for NY. I was very close to taking the deal but couldn't justify the extra $4,000 that I would have to shell out over a NON touring in the NYC area. NIGEL had given me a similar time frame of 5 days for the car that I was interested in. I will say that the DEALERS in the GULF COAST region were more open about when they would be getting the actual cars in. In the NE all this info is kept very close to those in the back rooms. When I left the DEALER here in the NYC they had stated 2 to 3 week. I did get it in the 2 weeks.
Don't worry about the deposit, use a creditcard if you can. You are very much protected by the law and no Toyota dealer is going to pull a fast one on you. I bought my car sight unseen and left a deposit and didn't show up to pick it until the end of the month. They tagged the car for me as sold and that was that. If they say they got one for you, they got one for you. You never know, there could be a delay, when they get it and if they don't give it to you that would be unethical because they are taking a deposit from you and like I said, the dealership just isn't going to participate in that kind of activity. I even filled out all the paperwork for them via fax and all I did when I went to pickup was sign over and over again.
Keri, read through CarBuyingTips.com new car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying. You can buy the extended warranty later if you really want it. Don't borrow money to pay for it. Also refuse to pay for the dealer added stuff and port installed options for as long as you can. At least e-mail the dealer's Internet Sales Dept. to see what that person offers. The problem is that the model year has ended. Toyota isn't building any more 2008s so the only cars available are the ones in transit. Hybrid (meaning Prius) sales reflect gas prices. Gas is at an all time high. These cars sit on dealer lots for 2 weeks max. Most dealers (at least around here) have 0 to 2 in inventory. So you will probably find that the dealer has zero incentive to haggle as if you don't want to pay the price there are probably at least 2 or 3 people waiting in line that will. Never negotiate out of desperation. If you can wait for the car, wait. Borrowing money to buy options you don't want or won't use is not wise. In the end, you'll be happy with the car even if it isn't your favorite color or option package but this kind of money try to find what you want. Good luck.
You guys have been a big help. Anish (salesman) sent me the information I asked for. The price sheet has a few extra fees on it. Dealers inventory tax $50.33, Documentary Fee $50, Deputy Fee $5, Title Fee $105.30. I suppose this is standard. I do not know what some of those fees are for, but I did not feel that it was outrageous. I was still a little timid about sending the check. Then Ed the salesman from Toyota of Richardson called and asked me if I was still interested in being on a waiting list for one of his Prius. I told him that Plano had a Prius for me and that it would be delivered sometime around Thursday, give or take a couple of days. He said No Way. He did not say that they were lying, just that it was hard to believe. I told him that I thought that Anish was sincere and that the GM of the dealership had confirmed it for me. He asked if I would hold on while he checked something. He came back after about 5 minutes (!) and apologized. He said that they do in fact have a Prius with that VIN # at the port as of today. He verified package and color. He said that if it was him he would overnight the check ASAP and never look back. I told him that if it did not work out in Plano that I would come see him Saturday and get on his list. He was very nice to me and also really went into detail on the allocation process and explained about port installed options. He was so helpful, even after he knew that I would probably not be buying a car from him. He said that I was gonna love my Prius so much that he was gonna sell me my next one. I bet he is right. JimN, thanks for the link to the car buying tips. I think I could take a test on buying a car now. I feel so much more knowledgeable than I did before. I just wish that translated into dealership confidence. I am already dreading going in to pick up the car. In the end I did overnight the check and will wait and see. I guess that if the car is not as described or is invisible, I will just politely ask for my check back. From what the GM said, the not accepting a deposit by phone is a new thing as of this week. Don't think it will last for long and from what the dealer said, it only goes for Prius. With so many people wanting these cars, how can you be screwed by someone walking away? Still don't understand this one..... By the way, Dex20000, I used a credit card check. I called my bank beforehand and it can be reversed at any time up until 45 days. So I do have that option as well. I do not expect any problems. Wish me luck! I am so excited! What's next?????