Nothing personal, and not related to this particular post, but I wonder if it's time for a separate religious forum. Fred's House of Religion? Fred's Holy House?
Personally, I don't even like the idea of a separate political forum. Everything is political on one level or another, and when boards separate the 'political' talk from the 'general' talk, you pretty much get the same usual suspects going back & forth in predictable ways with each other. I'd rather see everyone participate in the discussions. Regardless, George Carlin is the man.
The Carlin video has been posted before. But it's so good I won't complain about that. Maybe there's someone here who has not seen it before. The political forum was started because a lot of folks were sick of the political discussions and thought they should be segregated into their own ghetto. I've spent a lot of ink in that forum, but since returning from Belize 8 days ago, I have not seen a thread title there that inspired me to open it. The rancor in that forum is intense. I'm going to see how long I can stay away from it. As for a religion forum, I probably could not stay out of that one. I just have this burning need to spread the Good News of the flying spaghetti monster and the beer volcano in heaven.
Nothing wrong with discussing Religion; Hey Hyo, are you advocating a seperation of Prius and Religion? Seperation of, doesn't mean seperation, freedom from.
I haven't even signed up for the political forum, nor will I. Every single thread boils down to this: "Our team rules! Your team sucks!" "No, OUR team rules, YOUR team sucks!" Repeat ad naseum.
+1. I don't argue politics or religion with anyone. It doesn't serve any point. I will try to clarify stuff that I see posted that is clearly wrong, like stuff that Malorn has posted about Prius owners being the downfall of America, for example. George Carlin is awesome.
Giving political discussions their own forum seems to have worked fairly well, so I thought I'd suggest that maybe it's time to consider doing the same for the religious discussions.
Been there as well, you just about got to have one of these to post there anymore! Kinda keeps them in their own area. Do like going there to post and run...just to annoy. Still come here for the Prius info though. Good idea for a different forum though...might weed out some more trolls