I'll come to the next one if I have my license in time. I got an idea. :idea: Lets go to the Webber Grill! :mrgreen:
You can have another red one at the next meetup. If weather permits washing, that is. I am in DG (no surprise) and very near the area Matt described in setting up the first meetup. I was surprised to see how inviting the O'Hare Tollway oasis (on I-294) is now. Not so great for the group photos because it can be approached from north and south, and meet on the bridge above the tollway (several restaurants). Though I'd prefer the Yorktown (Lombard) area. There is a Weber Grill restaurant just east of there, also. I have an I-Pass and I'm not afraid to use it.
I forget what toll road it was but it used to be 40 cents and is now 80 cents for using the auto change machines. It is still 40 cents to all I-Pass users. :mrgreen: They want everyone to switch to I-Pass so they don't have to pay people to stand there, thats why the Non-I-Pass lanes cost twice as much!
Oh yeah, SZG; I guess we forgot to tell you. If paying by coins, the prices at ALL tollbooths doubled. Take a deep breath. Yes, doubled. If you have an I-Pass, conveniently, the prices are the same. Personally, I've had an I-Pass for several years but they are really causing pain to push poeple to the automated paying process. When the transponder deducts money, the tollroad authority is for sure getting paid. That is to say that some people would do the fake throw and the authority was losing a lot of money that way. Also, I think it would be a great day and more lanes are stopless and more cars can just drive unhindered the entire length of the Tri-State. More driving, more cruising, better mileage.
I have an I-Pass and its great. So far in my short timespan of driving, I've never stopped to pay toll. Its fun to watch all of those people have to slow down from around 60mph and go back up to 60. What a waste of energy. I'll put my I-Pass in my Prius as soon as I get a Prius.