well, recently i saw this video on youtube: so i sent a message to the creator and said the following > you press the brake and power button to start it, thats why it wouldnt go into gear, next time read the manual he replied: "It would take five mins for the car to boot up and I had to hit the on button five times. I returned the car. A great getaway car for a three stooges movie, the trunk is tiny, no room for loot and the car takes forever to start." this guy is lacking knowledge to the max, first of all to say the car boots up in that amount of time, and returned the car to the dealer goes to show a lot.
Probably just as well, if he buys a car and can't even start it, he probably wouldn't understand you anyway.
By placing this video on YouTube it is like walking aroung with a sign around your neck that says "I am an idiot"
There are a half dozen idiotic things with this video, but by far the most idiotic: Never videotape yourself trying to do something (like, say, start a car) if you don't know how to do it. Second most idiotic thing: If you have a videotape showing you (unsuccessfully) trying to do something you don't know how to do, for Allah's sake, DON'T POST IT ON YOUTUBE!
I couldn't help myself, I left the same respmse twice LOL How did you get a driver's license? It's a car ergo treat it like one. Push the brake, start the car. Push the brake, put in gear. The only difference is you don't need a key. Good thing you didn't get an Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadilac, Corvette, Infinity, Jaguar, Lexus, Maybach, Mazda, Mercedes, Mini Cooper, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki, Volkswagon or Volvo, then you might look REALLY stupid trying to start the thing. BTW, all have Push Button start, i.e. ON
Just treat youboob as another myspace, with video clips. Not worth the time in most cases, unless someone points you at something particularly noteworthy on it. Any idiot can self- publish, that doesn't make it useful. . _H*
Rofl even if he could have started it, his parking break was on..notice the light..he wouldnt have gone anywhere no matter what
Maybe his Prius came pre-loaded with a Symantec antivirus product. That would certainly account for the five minute "boot" time.
This is even funnier the second time around. Now that people have commented on how exactly he's being an idiot, he's still keeping the video up. What, is he PROUD of his idiocy?