My face is quickly getting sun spots from just the 1 week I've owned this vehicle. I live in Florida and the SUN is RELENTLESS. Also the dealer doesn't do tinting so I'm going to have to rely on a reputable business to get it right. Its not just the cool air factor but the damaging rays of the sun through my side window and the huge clear windshield. I do wear sunscreen but I can feel that heat streaming through. I went to lunch yesterday after the car sat in the sun and drove it to a nearby drive through. Pulled into the shade to eat with the air still one (it was hot) and my battery was down to 2 bars (and pink!) THIS IS ONLY JANUARY
Sounds like the question is: Which tint? A quick Google search (window tinting + UV) brought up plenty of sites. I suggest you ask around for recommendations for a reputable shop, then ask specifically about UV films. The 2 I looked at quickly said 99.9% rejection. I suspect tints with UV blocking are standard in FL.
thanks - I had just the two front windows on my Landcruiser tinted as the back was darker than the front - however something in the doorjam kept 'nicking' the window and now its all but peeling - and Ugly to say the least. Also I had a bit of a hard time seeing at night. I'll research it
Maybe there are tints that are mostly UV, not light blocking. I had all the windows behind the front row done on my Odyssey ( Illegal to after market tint forward in VT) since the kids were little and the small squares of film you can buy are never in the right place and can't be left on when the windows are lowered. It definately affected nightime vision, especially out the back. Never ahd a peeling problem though.
Yes solar energy absorbing glass - and I am grateful for that! HOwever, I have sun sensitive skin I guess from protecting it all these years from the sun. Now this is definitely a "girl" thing - but . . I use an expensive lightening creme on my jawline most of the sides of my face because I have what is called "mask of pregnancy" (no I'm not pregnant) - If you think about it - you've most likely seen it. Mine is not that noticeable because if methodically use a special creme every night that slllloooowwwly fades it. BUT one day without sunscreen or one day riding/driving in a car with the window down etc. it darkens considerably! And in this car I can "feel" the sun on my left side of my face. (I'm in Florida) Anyway - I made an appointment for next week. I would have preferred a factory tint like they sometimes give you choices (or at least they used to) Believe it or not, there are only TWO reputable tint shops in town. I gather 3M is the best? I really want this to look right.
And they won't do the front window at all. Its just that this car particularly has alot of windshield and I seem closer to it than I was in my Landcruiser
I test drove the Acura RL and it had a cool feature - "shades" that with a flick of a button rolled up or down. Of course only in the back seats. The kind of thickish shades I would use for my toddler that just stuck there with a suction cup thing
That sucks. I have aftermarket tint on my '03. It is so light, that you can hardly tell that they are tinted, yet still have the added UV blocking. I couldn't fathom that any law enforcement agency would even begin to question the legality of what I have on my car. Maybe it would pay for you to take a trip out of state, and have some really light tinting added? I hate recommending to circumvent state laws, but some of these tint rules are blatantly rediculous.
Or maybe it's time to get one of those fake spray-on tans so you can still drive your Prius and not worry about uneven face colorations. :wink:
fake tan that's it!! Did you do the windshield in tint? Because I would go out of state for a very very light tint. 60% or greater? I live in North FLA so I bet one of my neighboring states (ALA, GA) have more liberal (in this CASE) laws.
Nope, mine came off of the lot with the tint on it. I actually wish that it wouldn't have had the window tint, as I like to get it done substantially darker as TX allows for some fairly dark tint, 35% on front, limo in back.
Again, all the Prius windows except for the front are already UV-absorbent. Before messing with aftermarket products I would first try parking facing north, to minimize the amount of Sunlight coming through the front windscreen. That may be enough. Imperfectly applied tinting looks really skanky.
I AGREE richard. I actually don't like the aftermarket tinting, HOWEVER, what about when driving south in the afternoon??? BRUTAL. I also use the retin A for acne and well . . I could wear a hat (tried that on my previous car) but it gets in the way. I know - I could drive with a paper bag over my head.
I'm getting it professionally done with a reputable long time company so hopefully it won't look too terrible. I am really concerned about being able to see out at night too. I have toyed with the idea of just getting the driver window done and see how I like it - then either getting it removed or going for the whole thing.
I am often bothered by the glare through the windshield. I have an appointment with Zeibart for next week to have "brow" tinting. Joe Mac
Check out Huper Optik. It is just an outstanding tint. It is very pricey but here in Texas, it is a very worthwhile investment. The back glass is a huge heat load and my rear seat passengers were never comfortable prior to putting this tint in.
Huper Optik. I'm LIKING it so far. I now wonder where I can get it installed since the only 2 installers here have the 3M and sunguard or is it solarguard only it seems.
Thank you so much. It sounds like exactly what I am looking for. I called the person where I've got the 3M appt and they don't carry it. I called down the list and turns out no one has it here yet. One guy who claimed to have been in the business for 15 years said "yeah yeah I have that" it'll be 169.00 w hich I knew was incorrect because its a little more expensive than that. He then went on to tell me that 3M is the company or some crap like that. Anyway I found the name & number of the US distributor and he gave me some places in Naples (where my sister lives) and Jacksonville. I'll let you know how it turns out